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  1. Master of the Shadow

    Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

    5/10 The white and black squares are an eye swore. THe background is blurry and most of the things are just the negative version of the original.
  2. Master of the Shadow

    Graphic Team Battle

    I think it looks good. :D
  3. Master of the Shadow

    Writing 42 Chocolate's Short Story Competition!

    @42 chocolate this starts tomorrow right?
  4. Master of the Shadow

    Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

    4/10 quotes only. :l
  5. Master of the Shadow

    Graphic Team Battle

    Remember to make the poll public to check for any cheaters.
  6. Master of the Shadow

    Graphics Battle Draft

    Time to give 150%. :D lol.
  7. Master of the Shadow

    Flygon999's New Shop THIS PLACE IS CLOSED YOU DANG ******

    RE: Flygon999's New Shop, only if you read the rules!
  8. Master of the Shadow

    Graphics Battle Draft

    What is this? :O Panda if you need me let me know PM me.
  9. Master of the Shadow

    Flygon999's New Shop THIS PLACE IS CLOSED YOU DANG ******

    RE: Flygon999's New Shop, only if you read the rules! Anything you need help with?
  10. Master of the Shadow

    Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [CLOSED] for a long time!

    Sorry Flygon999 I won't be working here anymore. Goodbye. I won't be on anymore
  11. Master of the Shadow

    Coolart is back!

    RE: Neon Coolart! Mods please Lock. Thanks-JC. Oh yeah and goodbye. I'm not gonna be on anymore.
  12. Master of the Shadow

    Coolart is back!

    RE: Neon Coolart! satisfaction money-back guarentee! (0 dollars) Sorry JC I won't be working here anymore.
  13. Master of the Shadow

    SoulWork - Artshop - Repost your Request if needed.

    RE: [Flying Souls] Read the freakin' Rules! Sorry soul seeker I won't be working here for obvious reasons soon enough.
  14. Master of the Shadow

    The Den Boutique

    Sorry Dr4g0n I will not be working here for obvious reasons. Soon enough.
  15. Master of the Shadow

    >:O What would be considered "inappropriate"?

    It wasn't used in the sexual way. -_-
  16. Master of the Shadow

    >:O What would be considered "inappropriate"?

    Yes it is. Shining Raikou gave me a 2+ warning level for that word. -_- all I can say is WOW. and I said it because in the what was the worst thing that happened to you thread something dirty happened and like since I thought that it was messed up what happened I said "Thats soooooo *insert that...
  17. Master of the Shadow

    >:O What would be considered "inappropriate"?

    I think it is coincidence I always have one mod I will dislike. xD. I usually don't edit and I don't say swear words and still. -_-.
  18. Master of the Shadow

    >:O What would be considered "inappropriate"?

    -_- sometimes I think mods look for random excuses to do whatever they want. xD are like half nude pictures on the list of stuff? I also see people typing the word "H*m*p***" and I doubt they even care/ >:O *Start saying cuss words about this* can't warn me for what you can see hear huh?