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  1. StealthAngel667

    Luxchomp discussion

    Main problem with SPs is that they can't hit hard enough late-game. Luxchomp can keep pumping for 80 though if you manage to get a few energies + a Switchzong in play, which is very easy for Luxchomp to achieve. Early game Luxray and the sniping can nab all the important kills, so during the...
  2. StealthAngel667

    Do sleeved cards still get scratches?

    ^As long as the cards can't be distinguished by just the backs, it's fine. If all backs are clean, sure, you can use clear ones. If the card type and name/type/description/image/whatever can be clearly seen by reflection, sleeves are illegal. Anyway @OP I know what you're talking about, but it's...
  3. StealthAngel667

    Ruling Cursegar + Gengar Prime

    Quick one here. If you, say, would be having a Gengar AA active and would use its attack to KO PokeX and skip into Gengar Prime, would you then proceed to put PokeX into the Lost Zone in accordance to Prime's Body? Because from my experience, you first do everything else that the attack tells...
  4. StealthAngel667

    Most effictive lost zone engine?

    Gengar Prime + a few Energies + Omastar MD + The stupid Lost Zone stadium = haha you win. Seriously, they made this game way, way too easy. Against SP Pokes, you don't even need Omastar: they'll keep some in hand anyway since they play more than they can fit on the bench.
  5. StealthAngel667

    Best set released so far

    RE: Most overlooked card in the format? ^I didn't mean Spiritomb was the problem, I didn't think it would be. Dialga G is a card I haven't seen for a while. It's a viable deck and I think I should be able to prove that in the near future. Other than that, Drapion X is a card I've used a few...
  6. StealthAngel667

    Best set released so far

    RE: Most overlooked card in the format? Has to be Kabutops LA or any of the fossil Pokemon. If you thought Spiritomb was annoying, how about a Spiritomb player that can use trainers and hit for 70 + spread every turn? With Ampharos + Ampharos this deck can be a beast if it gets to set up...
  7. StealthAngel667

    What is the best pokemon TCG set realesed?

    I'll vote LA. The first few packs of it I bought contained Uxie and Uxie X. Also Mesprit LA has really meant the change in the game for me towards real "control" type decks. I've liked Alakazam MT as well, but he was very unplayable back then because of the lack of Kadabra, GE, good Psychic...
  8. StealthAngel667

    (1) First 2010 POP Player Rewards [3/17]

    I hate how I never am able to attend a league because of my studies and my work. This was one player reward I really would have liked to have.
  9. StealthAngel667

    (1) Yellow Forest Pokewalker Route Available Starting Today [4/1]

    What, you would lie to a PokeWalker? :( I'm so disappointed. Anyway I won't be able to get this game in time to care about it. A good thing, because I think the PokeWalker will be something I will often forget and it would just die in the laundry one day. Also I couldn't care less about any...
  10. StealthAngel667

    How Much Money do you Spend on Decks?

    0. I earn most if not all the cards I'll ever need by judging, and then some. I always end up having cards left. The cards I'm still missing are the ones I try to trade for, though I don't always get the ones I need in time. Still, I can build a few decks I like and that's fine by me. I wouldn't...
  11. StealthAngel667

    Call Replacement?

    I think one or two of the older theme decks contains 2 or 4 Call Energy, so you should check that out first.
  12. StealthAngel667

    What is the "best" set?

    Only good thing that Arceus brought is the Cursegar concept, which still loses from fast and powerful SP variants. Other than that Arceus is a set full of overhyped cards that nobody in their right mind would ever play. Ebelt also gave birth to the much-hated Shuppet donk decks.
  13. StealthAngel667

    Calls in Palkia G Lock?

    There's not too much to call for if you get the Palkia G/Luxray G start, you'd rather be holding a colored energy and a Gain. The whole pixie pile that is your deck should be more than enough to get you the few basics you'll ever need. I've played Legoes and at most, I had the following SP Pokes...
  14. StealthAngel667

    What is the "best" set?

    The basic tournament rule is that you can only use sets from Diamond/Pearl and on. This means that your old Bill and Gust of Wind are not legal for tournament play, since they are from the Base Set. Right now, if I would have to buy one set, I'd go for either Platinum or Platinum:Rising Rivals...
  15. StealthAngel667

    Palkia G Lock Matchups?

    LuxChomp and Lady Gaga are like the same thing right? Anyway any deck with Luxray GL X really hits you hard. You have to save those little Power Sprays for those or you're screwed. It's possible to win, but hard. It loses very quickly to plain Gyarados, unless you get a T2 Azelf MT lock out to...
  16. StealthAngel667

    Feraligatr (Prime), 3/9/2010

    Works with Pelipper, but I still wouldn't play it. They Bright Look this guy, you start dying fast. Also Jumpluff and Speedrill just smash through this guy, as do other strong decks like Gyarados. Against LuxChomp, it won't even have a chance to set up. Against Gengar, they can just Looker your...
  17. StealthAngel667

    Bluffing: What's Legal and What's Not

    Just make sure it doesn't become unsporting, like saying "this starting hand is totally going to blow you away, you'd better drop". Other than that I don't see how it would hurt, or how anyone would really even care. Btw, seeing how there's a big Dusknoir discussion above here, I once heard...
  18. StealthAngel667

    Gengar-getting to much?

    The only thing overpowered on Gengar is that bloody Fainting Spell. His attacks are just about average and he is quite powerful, but he does have lower HP than most stage 2s and has a pretty bad weakness. Gengar X is not all that great either, I do agree he needed an attack that did certain...
  19. StealthAngel667

    alph lithograph and about it

    I gave someone a piece of Lugia for it, I thought it was a nice trade. Didn't know it would be this rare, though. Good thing its uses are quite limited.
  20. StealthAngel667

    Supreme Victors, worth it at all at this point?

    Garchomp C X is pretty big, Absol G X has potential but is not too great, other than those the set is quite lame.Some trainers are good, but it's not worth getting a box of.