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  1. F

    “Pokemon TCG: My First Battle” Product Images Revealed!

    I like to make meme decks in live, the intent with it is to charge Beast Game GX and take 6 prizes from a vmax or 5 from other rule box I use lurantis SM25, Kukui and beast energy for damage mods. I can pull off 120 damage with the gx attack
  2. F

    Scovillain ex, Moonlight Hill, and Other Gym Promos Revealed for July!

    They really printed it as psychic instead of fairy lmao. They shouldve just kept fairy seperate imo
  3. F

    “Pokemon TCG: My First Battle” Product Images Revealed!

    Very niche but this bulbasaur would be perfect in my buzzwole/pheramosa ttgx deck
  4. F

    Absol ex from “Ruler of the Black Flame!”

    This card would be so good if the first attack was an ability. Id make it one ability per turn like squawkabilly ex
  5. F

    “Trainer Toolkit 2023” Card List and Contents Revealed!

    You're right but it dosen't mean that could ever change though lol
  6. F

    All 165 Cards from “Pokemon Card 151” Revealed: All Kanto Pokemon Reunited After 20 Years!

    I love how Kangaskhan ex has FLF Kangaskhan EX's triple draw, and it's other attack is like the mega's attack
  7. F

    “Trainer Toolkit 2023” Card List and Contents Revealed!

    A little underwhelming considering it does have paldea evolved packs. They could've thrown in some Iono's, some super rods. Thornton and Roseanne seem like weird picks. Still gives us some good staples at least
  8. F

    TCG Apparel Featuring YU NAGABA’s Artwork Announced!

    This is just the pokemon version of Toni Kensa, except Kensa's clothes and weapons were great
  9. F

    Pokémon Trading Card Game Online (PTCGO) Sunsets June 5th

    Anything that has been reprinted, you can use. Right now I'm using FTC Shauna full art and PLB Ultra Balls. Also all SM cards are playable in expanded. The fact we're missing BW and XY is upsetting. Their functions must be coded in since nothings changed, besides interactions with newer cards...
  10. F

    Venusaur ex, Charizard ex, Blastoise ex, and More Revealed from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    If you Erika a pokemon like Lumineon V, it would be pretty devistating since they dont get the search off and it's an easy mon to pick off.
  11. F

    TPCi Issues Statement on Factory Theft, No Products Impacted

    But so, what will happen to the cards? I guess we would have to see after the investigation
  12. F

    Large Pokemon Factory Theft Comes to Light, But Probably Didn’t Impact Fans

    Even if this dosen't affect pull rates somehow, FST and EVS especially are some of the most expensive sets in standard and if these cards were redistributed in some way, either as a giveaway or to lcs's the prices of those cards would drop dramatically. Rn espeon is at $170, Gengar is at $187...
  13. F

    “2022 World Championship Decks” Revealed for March!

    Well, at least they say top 8 for Mew, but man that's gotta be awkward for those who placed above them
  14. F

    Elesa’s Sparkle and Volo Full Arts from “VSTAR Universe!”

    Was literally thinking the same thing. I didnt finish PLA at the time Volo's FA got revealed.
  15. F

    Local Leagues to Distribute Play! Pokemon Prize Packs

    Anyone else noticed how they mention it'll come with both holo and NON-HOLO energy?! You mean to tell me if I do bad at an event or they only give 1 per person, out of the 6 cards in this 200 card set, one of those 6 is just a plain energy I can pull from any pack... Holo energy...
  16. F

    Spiritomb, Volo from ‘Dark Phantasma’

    So I know this is on me, but I never finished PLA so I had no idea Volo gets this form. Kiiiinda wish they went with his 1st look. Also I havent finished because I just like running around catching and fighting
  17. F

    Hisui Pokemon and New Character Rares Revealed for ‘Battle Legion!’

    Also Baby pokemon don't count for this tbh. G Mime is a basic and you cant evolve it from jr. The only babies that evolve (Not counting gen 2 and 4 tcg because its outdated) are togepi, riolu, and toxel.
  18. F

    Hisui Pokemon and New Character Rares Revealed for ‘Battle Legion!’

    Lol and as if it wasn't bad enough, every starter has gotten at least 1 ultra rare, except Unovan Samurott. We didnt even get emboar ex till XY for some reason
  19. F

    Hisui Pokemon and New Character Rares Revealed for ‘Battle Legion!’

    They arent hisuian, they evolve from kanto scyther and johto stantler into completely new pokemon. It's a new species not a variant. That would imply that there's a kantonian Klevor or a johtonian Wyrdeer.