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  1. Lt. Empoleon


    Good Trader +1 Ref
  2. Lt. Empoleon

    Tuesday, 12/18, Bronzong and Mothim Promo Translations

    OMG these cards are so awesome! Especially the Mothim, it CAN be broken if you play it right. I wonder when we will get these cards?
  3. Lt. Empoleon

    Card Faking Contest*No more entries for spots!!!Serebii1997 and ger submit entries!!!

    RE: Card Faking Contest I will add you now. Thanks for running it for me PokeLen, and all the scores will be PMed to me then after all have submitted their scores I will post them.:)
  4. Lt. Empoleon

    Little Shop the down town shop of pokebeach, (Employing workers)

    RE: Little Shop the down town shop of pokebeach, Okay, thanks, take your time:)
  5. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    ^Yep. Well he wasn't like thhat until I explained the game. Funny,this all happened at Quiznos(AWESOME SUBS!!!).
  6. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    Same here, but my dad's been divorced twice, but he lives 2 blocks away from me now! My mom is married, and her husband has a son named Zachary. a.k.a infernape670 I can't tell, cause nobody plays at my school.
  7. Lt. Empoleon

    BACK with HGSS!!! Come and check NOW

    RE: Wants: Darkrai Lv X---Booster @4Euro only!! All the DP4 Lv X 20 Euro only!! Okay, but you areen't going to get much business that way... :F
  8. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    I just explained the basics of the game. How the Pokemon had attacks, how the Pokemon could attack only is they had the right energy amount, how trainers worked, how Pokemon got KOed, what the prizes were for, and how you win the game, basically.:) P.S. He's kinda a pushover, I just tell him...
  9. Lt. Empoleon

    Little Shop the down town shop of pokebeach, (Employing workers)

    RE: Little Shop the down town shop of pokebeach, Hmm, can you make a gold Arceus one that has 1st on it, a Silver Lickilicky one that has 2nd on it, and a bronze Pikachu one that has 3rd on it?
  10. Lt. Empoleon

    Ruling Dragonite ex (dg)

    Yeah, I will clear up what he said. Placing damage counters are considered as effects of an attack, not damage. So yes, it would do 80. The only way he could apply the Resistance and Metal Energy Effect is if Dragonite ex's attack had the numbers 80 in bold next to the attack.
  11. Lt. Empoleon

    Ruling Question regarding card sleeve legality.

    I hope they are still legal cause I use them!
  12. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    The only reason they treat it bad is because they haven't taken the time to really understand it. A great example, my dad would never take me to buy Pokemon cards, cause he thought I was spending $4.00 on something I was just collecting. But then I showed him a rulebook and sorta-kinda explained...
  13. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    *Cough Cough* Oh crap I just got infected [/sarcasm] Pokemon is way better than that!
  14. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    Dude for my school Pokemon became "uncool" in first grade. 2nd grade was the era of Yu-Gi-Oh. Stupid Yu-Gi-Oh
  15. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    Haven't you ever wanted to just go around asknig everybody if they play Pokemon? Jeez, I just want to do it so bad!!
  16. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    Then I've got no true friends:( Both of my "so called" true friends make fun of me when they see my cards at home:( Me too, I have been one of the shortest at my school. Even if I don't have a very high social status, I still have a minor one. And believe me, I don't want to crash it.
  17. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    Hmm, wait till you meet the people at my school. They make fun of it on a daily basis. My dad was like that for a while, but then I explained the game to him and then he understood it. Man, we're like the same.. :F Well I usually just tell my friends that they're by step-brothers cards...
  18. Lt. Empoleon

    Little Shop the down town shop of pokebeach, (Employing workers)

    RE: Little Shop the down town shop of pokebeach, Can anyone her make trophies?
  19. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    Don't you have your own money?
  20. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    Funny, my mom lets me buy $50.00 woth of cards on Pokecorner for my birthday. In fact, My dad just bought me a SW booster box for Christmas. It has UPS ground so it should arrive on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.:)