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  1. Lt. Empoleon


    Card came today +1 REF
  2. Lt. Empoleon

    ~~ KaMewie

    RE: Ka'Mewie:- Recieved cards today, great trader +1 REF
  3. Lt. Empoleon


    Great trader, A+++++++
  4. Lt. Empoleon

    Ruling Some Questions

    OK, thanks, whenever my brother has Feraligatr he always does both of those things sometime during the battle.:(
  5. Lt. Empoleon

    Ruling Returning to Hand?

    No to barge in or anything, but Mr. Briney's Compassion is from POP2 not POP3. I recently bought a POP2 pack and got it...
  6. Lt. Empoleon

    Ruling Some Questions

    Okay, I have a few questions: 1. When I play Lucario Lv. X and use stance, will attacks like Drag Off from Feraligatr d still work? 2. When I use Lucario's Aura Sphere or Empoleon's Aqua Jet, does my opponent get to choose the benched Pokemon to take 20 damage or do I choose?
  7. Lt. Empoleon

    BACK with HGSS!!! Come and check NOW

    RE: Booster pack selling @4USD only!! Have all the DP4 Lv X!! Oh well now that you offered the Lucario Lv. X I will pass on this offer, but thanks.
  8. Lt. Empoleon

    BACK with HGSS!!! Come and check NOW

    RE: Booster pack selling @4USD only!! Have all the DP4 Lv X!! Well it's Shipping and Handling
  9. Lt. Empoleon

    Space and Time; A New Generation of Spriting has begun!

    RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness! Hey, can I have a different Empoleon/Lucario fusion without the black background?
  10. Lt. Empoleon


    Well packaged and got here in 3 days.. +1 REF!!
  11. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Official Coolest & Favorite Pokemon Thread

    ^Magikarp is #1!!!!^ *When I was a n00b I made an all Magikarp deck with no Gyrados... :F
  12. Lt. Empoleon

    BACK with HGSS!!! Come and check NOW

    RE: Booster pack selling @4USD only!! Have all the DP4 Lv X!! How much will it cost for four DP4 packs with S&H? Cause all I have is a $20 dollar bill and some change...
  13. Lt. Empoleon

    Space and Time; A New Generation of Spriting has begun!

    RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness! Name: EMPOLEON82294 Want: Lucario/Empoleon fusion THANKS!!!
  14. Lt. Empoleon

    Is This legal?

    Yes, correct, and don't even think about trying to Rare Candy a Prinplup onto it.
  15. Lt. Empoleon

    Kirbymon Paradise Island!!

    Thanks! I will definetly give credit.
  16. Lt. Empoleon

    Kirbymon Paradise Island!!

    Not to be a nudge or anything but is this done??
  17. Lt. Empoleon

    HAVE: XY / Legends / EX --- WANT: Arcues, HGSS, UL set / japanese NEO cards

    RE: **Rayquaza808 Trade list Major Update** My Walrein ex for your Lucario Lv. X?
  18. Lt. Empoleon

    Kirbymon Paradise Island!!

    Can I get a Kirbymon fusion of Empoleon and Lucario? Thanks
  19. Lt. Empoleon

    LM´s shop we died maybe opening other soon. Or not?

    RE: LM´s new revamped spriting shop (Great reopen!!) check the new content!! also hiring workers :F Can I get a devil Lucario and an Angel Lucario? Thanks
  20. Lt. Empoleon

    W: Computer Search, Skyla FA / H: Tropical Beach, Shiny Rayquaza, EXs

    RE: \|/_Jack Bauer's Haves & Wants_\|/ SW DISPLAY OPENED! H: D/P 4 LV. X - TAKE A LOOK! Hmmm, can I minus the Roseanne's for the trade? My brother just asked for it. I will still add my holo Ampharos.