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  1. D

    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    Thanks, I was thinking about something where I would fit in a Gloom. I'll try that and see how it works.
  2. D

    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    Yes, Espeon is in there for SS, very useful move IMO. I use it primarily for sniping out things that have (insert number below 30 here) HP left so that I don't waste a Shadow Room while at the same time healing myself and instead of doing, say, 60 to a Bronzong G with only 10 left, I mitigate...
  3. D

    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    I suppose that is true, I will playtest a couple in my deck and see how they go. Changes: -2 Cyrus +2 Call
  4. D

    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    Not at the moment, do you suggest I add some? I've been fine without them so far, it seems just to eat up space for more useful cards.
  5. D

    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    Pokemon 3-3-3-1 Gengar (SF, SF, SF, SF) 2-1-2 Vileplume (LA, UD) 4 Spiritomb (AR) 1-1 Espeon (MD, UD) 2 Uxie (LA) 1 Azelf (LA) 1 Smeargle (UD) 2 Unown Q (MD) 1 Crobat G (PL) T/S/S 2 Rare Candy 1 Looker's Investigation 1 Copycat 2 Pokemon Collector 2 Prof. Oak's New Theory 2 BTS...
  6. D

    Feraligatr (Prime), 3/9/2010

    1. On it's own, its a worthless card. Worth about $5. 2. None. Not yet, anyways. Once Unleashed comes out, it will be a very desirable card because it will be paired with Blastoise. 3. Blastoise UL. 4. 8/10 for the power, mostly, not attacks or anything beyond that. 5. Pretty cool, I like it.
  7. D

    Donphan (Prime) from HeartGold & SoulSilver (#107), 4/27/2010

    1. By itself, it's pretty bad. 80 belted doesn't look like bad damage, but with the new Kingdra coming out that does the exact same thing without 10 to benched, it will be looked upon as useless. It is destroyed in today's metagame and once Unleashed is released it will be dead. 2 New water...
  8. D

    (1) Nintendo 3DS Announced! [3/23]

    Yeah, I saw that on Yahoo. It looks okay, but it really looks over-the-top and unnessecary... I think they're carrying on this whole DS thing too long. Scratch it and make another console with one screen that is only touch!
  9. D

    Writing Chapter 1: Birthday Surprise

    It's a good story; however, I don't really see any depth in the characters. It constantly reads; Dayne was mad, Dayne was angry, Dayne was (fill in the blank). You could add in his thoughts on the situation, so that he wouldn't seem so... shallow, I guess. I don't mean to critisize your story...
  10. D

    (2) 'CoroCoro' and 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveal New Pokemon's Silhouette! [2/6]

    Can I have your autograph, Ken Sugimori?
  11. D

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. Ok, so I pulled 3 Primes, Donphan, Feraligator, and Amphy at my last prerelease... then I figured I had good luck so I bought a AR... And pulled Salamence X.
  12. D

    (1) Meganium, Typhlosion, and Feraligatr Prime Revealed [1/17]

    Agreed. Thats why they essentially remade EX, except without the two prizes. I mean, EX's started out REALLY crappy. Like 3 energy for 60 damage and your opponent is confused and stuff like that. Not bad, but not good. But everyone else, Typhlosion is so OP. A fire energy from your discard on...
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    (2) Heart Gold and Soul Silver Screenshots, Rising Rivals Scans [5/9]

    Everyone expected it. It was a question of when.
  14. D

    (2) Arceus, Downtime Tonight/Tomorrow [2/8]

    RE: (1) Downtime Tonight/Tomorrow [2/8] What the-- I don't understand what's going on, here. It's not the end of the fricken' world.
  15. D

    Finished Rate My Avatar (You-person-person-you)

    RE: Rate My Avatar 0/10 A simple bad Iaza animation, by the looks of it.
  16. D

    Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

    It's called Zone Getter's Awesome Shop. -10/10 It's bad enough when you put crap in your signature, but when you put tons of crap, it gets a negative.
  17. D

    Finished Rename the User Above You (You-person-person-you)

    ESADCelebi Evil Souls At Dusk.
  18. D

    Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

    1/10 No offense, I don't like that banner.
  19. D

    Guess the Next Poster v.2 (You-Person-Person-You)

    No. Flygon Jedi?