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  1. S

    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now w/Breeding Center~Will breed for VCG (not IV's) Just post an offer and she'll consider it.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now w/Breeding Center~Will breed for VCG (not IV's) Ok Ash, she says to post an offer and she will consider it.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now w/Breeding Center~Will breed for VCG (not IV's) Ok let's leave the random talk to PM please..... I'll talk to LV when she wakes up (as she's taking a nap currently)....maybe...There's other things we need to talk about too....I won't get into that.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now w/Breeding Center~Will breed for VCG (not IV's) I looked at your list, and honestly, you don't have anything that would interest me in the slightest, at least not for 3 legends. I don't trade legends very easily. Especially not good IV ones. I still...
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now w/Breeding Center~Will breed for VCG (not IV's) >.> IV checking is going to take some time cause I don't use AR for that. I only do IV battles for checking IV's. I'll get to it when I have the time.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now w/Breeding Center~Will breed for VCG (not IV's) Bright Powder I believe is banned with the Evasion Ban. Garchomp caused some problems in OU with bright power, that's why it went to Uber. ANYWAY. We're getting off topic here. I will have to confer with...
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now w/Breeding Center~Will breed for VCG (not IV's) Well I use some clauses....and some bans too.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now w/Breeding Center~Will breed for VCG (not IV's) I only clone on my Pearl. I personally only go by Standard OU rules, except for Freeze Clause, cause personally I've never agreed with that. There's no way to control it. There is absolutely no move...
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now w/Breeding Center~Will breed for VCG (not IV's) We really don't know at this time. We hope soon. But we really don't know. Yes I can clone... But only on my Pearl, cause I refuse to use AR on my SS. I honestly don't know what I'd want for them...
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now w/Breeding Center~Will breed for VCG (not IV's) Well LV's wifi is still down at this time... I barely do anything with catching pokemon on the Pokewalker. But I do have 2 Horsea and a Wailmer from the Pokewalker.
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    DPPt/HGSS Heiogen

    +2 for 2 great trades.
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    Wi-Fi Trades giratina487's Trade thread! -Wifi is currently not working-

    RE: giratina487's Trade thread! Okie doke, lmk when you have your WiFi fixed.
  13. S BIG problems

    My girlfriend has been having problems with it too. Whenever she tries to log in, it tells her she needs to activate the account. So she clicks the button to have it send the activation email, it never comes. She's done this at least 15 times, nothing. She's looked in her junk mail, nothing. She...
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    Wi-Fi Trades giratina487's Trade thread! -Wifi is currently not working-

    RE: giratina487's Trade thread! So ever finish that Sneasel?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now w/Breeding Center~Will breed for VCG (not IV's) I have added a few new shinies to my Dark Corner (look for the big Umbreon banner in the first post). The new shinies are: 4 more Eevee Another Azelf Another Mesprit Another Giratina Uxie Magnemite So...
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    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    I can breed both of these. What do you have to offer for them? Regular or shiny Kabuto?
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    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    Okay, I'll PM you when I have bred the Pichu.
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    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    I have a few Shiny Eevees....what do you have to offer?
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    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    I can breed that very easily. What do you have to offer?