RE: Christopher Robin
Rating: Positive +1
Buyer/Seller/Trade: Seller
Communication: Excellent communication
Description of Cards: N/A
Shipping: N/A
Overall: Quick payment. Another smooth transaction from this user.
RE: Selling entire collection!
Shining Gyarados - $15
Mudkip * - $35
Metagross * - $35
Gyarados * - $40
Flareon * - $20
Christopher Robin:
Donphan Prime x 4 $15 each
Tyranitar Prime x 2 $10 each
Ursaring Prime x 2 $5 each
Yanmega Prime x 4 $35 each...
Hagane: Is there anything on my list that you would trade just for your Emboar Ability?
xPOKEFREAK72x:I'll pass on that sorry
Joai: I am ideally hoping that I can trade my Yanmega and some other stuff to get a Magnezone Prime.
xPOKEFREAK72x: No thanks
cheaterbug: I need it to be near mint sorry
gary182000: Did you honestly think I would trade all of those high end cards for an Emboar and some uncommons?? Do you have any of my bigger wants?
idrumprettywell: No that would be even worse. I value the Emboar at $10 and the Smeargles at $5. I value Magnezone Prime at about $35-40 on Ebay. And the Yanmega at $20. What do u value the EX's at? LMK i'm sure we can work something out.
Hagane: I see the Reverse Holo Emboar Ability I...
idrumprettywell: Could you make a new offer for just the Magnezone Prime? The Smeargles are a low want for me right now.
glaceon: Yes I have tons of commons/uncommons. What do u want?
Everyone else either not interested or saw nothing on your list sorry.