Search results

  1. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: Updated List w HGSS Booster Box! W:Blissey Prime, Sableye SF, Jumpluff HGSS UPDATED LIST Added Prime Pokemon, Legends, and other HGSS Cards
  2. Zangoosed

    ~~ shadoworganoid

    RE: shadoworganoid 2nd smooth trade! +1 Positive Ref
  3. Zangoosed


    Awesome trader! Quick send! Well protected! +1 Positive Ref
  4. Zangoosed

    W: Gengar SF! H: Luxray, Flygon, Scizor Prime, Collector, DCE

    RE: MASSIVE UPDATE! H: 2 Jumpluff, Primes, HGSS, Great Ball Mat! Come On In Im interested in your Donphan Prime and Jumpluff HGSS x 2. I have Ampharos PL, Ampharos SW, and a list you can check. LMK thanks.
  5. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: New List! H: Primes, Gengar Lv. X W: Pokemon Rescues, Primes Yeah thats understandable those are older cards. The only ones I value a little higher are the rare holos. LMK of an offer and we'll see what we can do.
  6. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: New List! H: Primes, Gengar Lv. X W: Pokemon Rescues, Primes situation: You don't have enough to get the Darkrai Sleeves. How many Pokemon Rescue and/or Expert Belts will you trade for the RH Moonlight Stadium?? LMK thanks shadoworganoid: I know I have all of the TATM Mightyenas...
  7. Zangoosed

    Crystal's TT: [W] Old M junk! REPS! Ho-Oh Top! [H] Uxie X, Amphy Prime, Lugia Top!

    RE: Crystal's TT: [W] Collection stuff! Ho-Oh Top! [H] HGSS IS IN! TSS Update! I'm interested in your: Pokemon Rescue x 4 I have these from your wants: Torterra DP H Rampardos MT H Skuntank DP H Tangrowth GE H Dusknoir DP I can offer you 2-3 of these holo rares for all 4 of...
  8. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: New List! H: Primes, Gengar Lv. X W: Pokemon Rescues, Primes Radical144: Uhhhm how about something more realistic like 2 Spiritomb for 2 Luxray GL. LMK thanks To everyone else I'm tired of checking lists. I want my wants and nothing more.
  9. Zangoosed

    Ian's Trade Thread [H] Chomp C Lv. X , Rare Candy (RH) [W] Poketurn

    RE: Ian's Trade Thread [H] Absol G X , Absol EX, Blaziken FB (W) Toxicroak G, Unown R My: Toxicroak G Platinum x 2 Nidoran F RR Nidorina RR Your: Ninetails HGSS LMK thanks!
  10. Zangoosed

    check out it, you might like the staple's (not the store)

    My: Froslass LA Lumineon SF Gengar SF Banette PL Banette SW Your: Spiritomb AR x 2 Expert Belt x 1 LMK thanks
  11. Zangoosed

    Brian Ha's Thread! W: Lots of Staples

    RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread W: Expert Belts! I have some Broken Time Space, some DCE, some Mankey SV, and some Bench Shields. Im looking for Pokemon Rescues from Platinum if you have any for trade. LMK thanks
  12. Zangoosed

    Need 4 Pokemon Rescue

    I am looking to buy 4 Pokemon Rescue. Have paypal. Or can do cash as well. LMK thanks
  13. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: New List! H: Primes, Gengar Lv. X W: Donphan Prime I'll have to pass sorry
  14. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: New List! H: Primes, Gengar Lv. X W: Donphan Prime SotS: I can probably do that. I'm going to wait to see what materializes with these other offers for Donphan Prime and then let u know. Thanks. UrsaLunarMinor: Would you trade your Donphan Prime for my Mew * ? LMK thanks qnetykz...
  15. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: New List! H: Primes, Gengar Lv. X W: Donphan Prime SotS: I'm willing to trade the Gengar X if Donphan Prime is involved, but I'd need a little more to be included in the deal. Do you have anything else from my wants? LMK thanks! EvilHamster: Saw nothing, sorry. Thegame8228: Not...
  16. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: New List! H: Primes, Gengar Lv. X W: Donphan Prime Updated list with Heart Gold Soul Silver cards!
  17. Zangoosed

    The Dispute Thread - Check Traders, Report Suspicious Activity, Rippers, & Reputation

    RE: The Dispute Thread - Report Suspicious Activity, Rippers, & Bad Reputation Here. Having an issue with Mr.Ferrari. Initial trade confirmed on Dec. 10th. I never received and he said the package came back to him in the mail and he would resend. Again I waited and still nothing comes, and...
  18. Zangoosed

    Need Legal Sleeves

    Tell me how much you're selling them for. When you go in to Walmart to buy a loaf of bread, the salesman doesn't say "How much are you willing to pay for that?" lol jk :) Just give me a fair price and I'll let ya know if im willing to pay that. Thanks!
  19. Zangoosed


    Received cards quickly. Good trader! Thanks! +1 Positive Ref
  20. Zangoosed

    Islam soliman

    Good trader +1 Positive Ref