RE: Returning with a new list! H:Gengar Prime, Lux X, Uxie X N:PRIMES
flea212: See nothing for Gengar Prime. Would you trade your Feraligatr Prime for my Palkia G Lv. X?
RE: .::n00bmuffin::.
Good trader! Quick send! A tad too well packaged, had to get a crowbar out to get to the cards, but otherwise great transaction! ;) Thanks!
+1 Positive Ref
RE: Returning with a new list! H:Gengar Prime, Lux X, Uxie X
Afro-G: You werent skipped. I wanted the Yanmega Prime. It was all I saw that I needed on your list.
nabby101: I value the sleeves at about $10.
RE: Returning with a new list! H:Gengar Prime, Lux X, Uxie X
nabby101: Ok I am interested in your:
Luxray GL Lv. X (Highest want)
Gengar Prime (low want)
Ninetales HGSS (low want)
I also have these from your wants:
Absol Prime x 2
Pokedrawer RH x 4
Sages Training RH
Get me an...
RE: Returning with a new list! H:Gengar Prime, Lux X, Uxie X
rubxcube3742: I can probably do that. Let me make sure I still have that Aggron EX and I'll PM you.
.::n00bmuffin::: I can add WOTC promo Meowth #18 and WOTC promo Cleffa #31. I then could offer all of those Promos for your...
RE: Returning with a new list! H:Gengar Prime, Lux X, Uxie X
Afro-G: Only see Yanmega Prime x 1. Would trade it for my RH Spiritomb. Same value on Troll n Toad. LMK thanks
AdrianSkyline: PM'ed you
amisheskimoninja: Would you do my Palkia G x 2 for your Machamp Prime?
RE: Returning with a new list! H:Gengar Prime, Lux X, Uxie X
DTartagOne: Going by Ebay and Troll n Toad.
Ludicolo909: I don't have Dusknoir sleeves. It says i WANT Dusknoir sleeves.
.::n00bmuffin::.: Oh yeah now i remember. Mostly interested in the Primes.
amisheskimoninja: What do...
RE: H: Uxie X, Luxray X, Gengar Prime, RH SP Engine! Will beat T & T Prices!
Ok I will match T&T prices, but I don't want to break up the playset. I want to sell all 4 at once. So $18 for all 4
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime
Lunistrella: Nah I still couldn't trade it. Gengar Primes price is in flux right now, it could go up or down, too hard to predict. The Star pokemon have a pretty steady fixed price of $25-30, so thats why I'm only selling...
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime
Gengar_is_Pwnage: I'd do it for just the Moltres SV reprint. LMK
chopemdown: Where did Gengar Prime come out of nowhere from? Probably not trading Gengar Prime for that stuff. Get me a new offer thx.
creamyjeremy: Would you just...
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime
I wouldn't do any of the Rocket's EX's. They're worth more than Empoleon. And I'm looking for Yanmega Primes myself, so I'm probably not trading that either. I'm looking to trade the WOTC promos you were initially interested in.