Search results

  1. Zangoosed


    Great trader! Quick send! Cards well packaged and in good condition! +1 Positive Ref
  2. Zangoosed

    Selling Pokemon Collectors and Primes

    RE: Zangoosed's Selling Thread!!! H: Luxray X and modified staples UPDATED THREAD
  3. Zangoosed

    DSD's Trade Thread UPDATE!! Have EX's

    RE: Bigpokex's Lets Deal Trade Thread: (H) 6 Gengar Prime & 5 Mew Prime More on the way. So . . . are the Gengar/Mew Prime deals for any random Ex's or are you looking for specific ones?
  4. Zangoosed

    My WTB List

    In addition to the Metagross * you're interested in, I also have Crystal Celebi but in alternate holo form. Not sure if you just wanted the regular holo version or not. Figured it couldn't hurt to ask. LMK and keep me posted about the Metagross. Thanks!
  5. Zangoosed

    My WTB List

    Yes I could just do the Metagross. I was only offering free shipping if you bought all 3 though. Can you do $2 for the shipping, that cost will include delivery confirmation. LMK thanks!
  6. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: UPDATED LIST! W: Gengar Prime and Machamp Prime ScreamRawr: Only thing I liked on your list was Garchomp Lv. X Afro-G: don't see much i need that i'd be willing to trade, sorry DarkMind: Lol strike 2, anything else? idrumprettywell: Depends on the Ex of course The Wii Man1234: I...
  7. Zangoosed


    2nd smooth trade! Highly recommended! +1 Positive ref
  8. Zangoosed

    My WTB List

    Metagross * - $25 Steelix Prime - $8 Ursaring Prime - $5 Free shipping
  9. Zangoosed

    H: Primes/Ex's/Lv X's/Shinings/More! W: Ex/Lv X/ Stars/CYL

    RE: ~~Lunistrella's Trades -- Have: Lots! Want: Things for my collection!~~ Would you do: My: Mesprit Lv. X Torterra Lv. X Your: Gengar Lv. X Celebi Prime LMK thanks
  10. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: UPDATED LIST! W: Gengar Prime and Machamp Prime ProfessorJ: Most of that stuff you're wanting is higher end stuff I'd only sell or trade for my bigger wants. I think i'm already getting a Mew Prime in another trade, sorry. AdrianSkyline: LMK thx ScreamRawr: That may be true, but I'm...
  11. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: UPDATED LIST! W: Gengar Prime and Machamp Prime ScreamRawr: No thanks AdrianSkyline: Would u trade my Giratina X Promo for any of the following: Tyranitar Prime Donphan Prime Magnezone Prime
  12. Zangoosed

    DSD's Trade Thread UPDATE!! Have EX's

    RE: Bigpokex's New Trade Thread: (H) Mew and Gengar Prime (W) Ex's and Shiny* pokemon!!! Not sure which EX and Star * pokemon you're specifically interested in, but I have a ton. CML for your: Gengar Prime x 2 Mew Prime Gengar Lv. X
  13. Zangoosed

    Moffia Trade Corner I have Uxie X

    RE: CRGwolf Trade Corner My: Kingdra Prime Double Colorless Energy Your: Machamp Prime LMK thanks
  14. Zangoosed

    Looking for BW stuff

    RE: I want Leafeon LV X Near mint
  15. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: UPDATED LIST! W: Gengar Prime and Machamp Prime Torterra_Tank: How bout: My: Blaziken FB Lv. X Gyarados SF x 2 Your: Machamp Prime x 2 LMK thx
  16. Zangoosed

    Looking for BW stuff

    RE: I want Leafeon LV X I can sell you Leafeon Lv. X for $35. LMK thanks
  17. Zangoosed


    Quick send! Cards well packaged and in near mint condition! +1 Positive Ref
  18. Zangoosed

    Cards wanted to buy for collection

    I don't really have the means to take a pic and post it on here for the Venusaur EX. It has some minor wear on the holo part, like scratches n stuff. And then on the back its worn from play obviously, its got smudges and even a little white showing in the top corner. I definitely have the...
  19. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: UPDATED LIST! W: Gengar Prime and Machamp Prime Erling2204: See nothing sorry -Pinkerton-: No thanks. Not really interested in Entei/Suicune. mewyoshi: No thanks
  20. Zangoosed


    Quick send! Great trader! +1 Positive Ref