Search results

  1. Zangoosed

    +++++++++++++++ My Trade Thread!! H: ERL, SP +++++++++++++++

    RE: My trade thread!! H:Charizard deck, Uxie X, Azelf X and Mesprit X I only see Uxie Lv. X. Would u do: My: Claydol GE Baltoy GE Palkia G Lv. X Your: Charizard Ar Uxie Lv. X LMK about that offer or my original offer. Thanks!
  2. Zangoosed

    Dooman58's trade zone! Have ERL, BFBX, Garchomp, Luxray!

    RE: H: PromoCroak, Jumpluff, Kingdra! W: Legends! I have: Gengar Lv. X Luxray HOLO Probopass HOLO Salamence HOLO Swalot HOLO Toxicroak HOLO Bronzong (14) Cherrim RARE Gengar ( both) Lopunny Manetric Pelipper Sceptile (31) I'm interested in your: Toxicroak G Promo Kingdra Prime...
  3. Zangoosed

    +++++++++++++++ My Trade Thread!! H: ERL, SP +++++++++++++++

    RE: My trade thread!! H:Charizard deck, Uxie X, Azelf X and Mesprit X My: Claydol GE Baltoy GE Your: Charizard AR LMK thanks
  4. Zangoosed

    <!TWT!> [H] Legends, Primes, Staples, and more! <ScreamRawr>

    RE: ScreamRawr's Various Cards! Really not trying to trade the Shaymin Lv. X for that stuff. LMK about my original offer. If not how bout my Dialga G and Mow Rotom for your Charizard Arceus? LMK Thanks!
  5. Zangoosed

    H:Registeel EX, Sleeves, Garchomp, Garbodor, Bianca W: EP, NV, DEX

    RE: H: Random Stuff W: SP Engine Ok deal. I'll PM you
  6. Zangoosed

    H:Registeel EX, Sleeves, Garchomp, Garbodor, Bianca W: EP, NV, DEX

    RE: H: Random Stuff W: SP Engine My: Mewtwo MD Your: Jumpluff HGSS LMK thanks
  7. Zangoosed

    Trades [USA] H: Lots of Standard/Staples /Breaks W: RH Staples, Supreme Victors VS Seekers, Energy

    RE: (H)<LvL X><Primes><Various Rare/Holo> (W)Claydols, Flygon Lvl X, Various Techs My: Claydol GE Baltoy GE Your: Jumpluff HGSS LMK thanks
  8. Zangoosed

    <!TWT!> [H] Legends, Primes, Staples, and more! <ScreamRawr>

    RE: ScreamRawr's Various Cards! My: Claydol GE x 2 Baltoy GE x 2 Dialga G PL Your: Donphan Prime Charizard Arceus Sunflora HGSS LMK thanks
  9. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: BACK WITH NEW LIST!!! COME TRADE!!! Steelix_Kid: Saw the 2 Garchomp C Lv. X that I liked. Not trading the 2 Zapdos EX, but the rest of those EX's are up for grabs. Get me an offer thanks. ~xatu~: How many Pokemon Collector and Pokemon Communication do you have for trade?
  10. Zangoosed

    Mods Please Lock!!!!

    RE: H:Luxray GL X, PromoCroak G W: Scizor/Cherrim Have: Scizor SF x 2 Shaymin Land Lv. X Spiritomb PA x 2 Interested in: Luxray GL Lv. X Toxicroak G Promo LMK if we can work anything out thanks
  11. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: BACK WITH NEW LIST!!! COME TRADE!!! I PM'ed all who I was interested in making a deal with. And people really need to start reading the rules, cause it specifically states I'm not trying to check lists.
  12. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: BACK WITH NEW LIST!!! COME TRADE!!! Grizzly: See nothing JakeKaplan95: See nothing Javier8100: How bout: Your: Kingdra Prime Pokemon Circulator x 2 My: Raichu Lv. X minimidget94 : I'd need ALOT more than that for Luxray X. konter_j8902: Go by Ebay prices. The...
  13. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: BACK WITH NEW LIST!!! COME TRADE!!! UPDATED LIST Have Call Energy x 8 (4 rev. holo), Gyarados SF, a couple Claydols, tons of Lv. X's including a Luxray GL LV. X for sale. Plus a whole llot more.
  14. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: NEW LIST! Need Jumpluff and HGSS Trainers ryandfaris: I only have 1 Call Energy left. I will trade it for your Jumpluff HGSS. Soariyant: No thanks
  15. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: NEW LIST! Need Jumpluff and HGSS Trainers Im not checking lists. I want my wants.
  16. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: NEW LIST! Need Jumpluff and HGSS Trainers ash_satoshi: Do you have an English Jumpluff HGSS?? VadenZen: No thanks bigpokex: No link to your list is provided. ryandfaris: 1 Call Energy for 1 Jumpluff. eevee: No thanks
  17. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: NEW LIST! Need Jumpluff and HGSS Trainers UPDATED LIST
  18. Zangoosed

    H:NOBLE VICTORY'S(FA's)!! Victory Medals, swag! W: Minecraft Gift Code!

    RE: ★★H: old stuff +DP-HGSS W: *pokemon +other collection wants★★ I have: Manectric Prerelease Dragonair Dragon #14 Dragonair Expedition Lapras Skyridge All for your Blissey Prime?? LMK thanks!
  19. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: Updated List w HGSS Booster Box! W:Blissey Prime, Sableye SF, Jumpluff HGSS See nothing sorry
  20. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: Updated List w HGSS Booster Box! W:Blissey Prime, Sableye SF, Jumpluff HGSS Blissey Prime is like $5-10 on Ebay. So I'm not going to trade it for Blaze X or Uxie X cause those are worth ALOT more.