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    Megazone (Yanmega/Magnezone)

    Rare Candies are not necessary as Spiritombs are used to set up. I am not taking out Magnezone or Spiritomb - they are staples of the deck.
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    Megazone (Yanmega/Magnezone)

    Those seem like more rogue ideas, and this is intended to be meta. Spiritomb is a starter, and because I play few trainers, and the trainers aren't necessary to set the deck up, I use Spiritomb to set myself up. It works very well and I don't intend on taking it out. Also, I don't really need...
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    Megazone (Yanmega/Magnezone)

    LOL! Do you even know what Magnezone does? How does it slow down the format? Straight Yanmega isn't good enough on it's own, it needs a support card for draw power and attacking things with beefy amounts of health. I understand that you probably don't play meta, but if you did, you would understand.
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    Megazone (Yanmega/Magnezone)

    Hey everybody. After Regionals and failing hard with Vilegar, I felt like I needed a better deck. Although I know I got horrible matchups and bad starts, I still feel like Vilegar is inferior to some of the less played, but still good decks out there. Originally, I was deciding between playing...
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    Media My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic I've been glued to my seat since the start.
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    What's the stupidest thing you've done on PokeBeach?

    @ kashmaster - I find it ironic that your signature says "I am Smarter than you ^^" Stupidest thing I've done is post a thread regarding a Woobat deck, and then argue with a mod until they unlocked it because they were annoyed. I don't regret it though, it was hilarious ^_^
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    Media My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Best show on TV! Although I've only ever seen one male pony, and that's Applejack's brother, which makes me sad. How do they reproduce with one male?
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    Finished Last Letter, First Letter Read the rules...

    Establishmentarianism. Fo sho.
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    vilegar lock(w B&W rules) (vileplume and gengar) (Needs division in title)

    RE: vilegar lock(w B&W rules) (vileplume and gengar) Actually, that's false, the context of the card will be changed from "Neither player can play Trainer - Trainer cards from their hand". It's not Trainers, Supporters, and Stadiums.
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    vilegar lock(w B&W rules) (vileplume and gengar) (Needs division in title)

    RE: vile lock(w B&W rules) (Needs main Pokemon from deck/division in title) Medicham is borderline useless and this deck is Vilegar with some odd techs... so... Since you clearly want a 2 basic Pokemon on bench setup, play 2 Call Energy instead of Stantler and Minun. They have the same effect...
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    Vilegar 2.0 - WI Regionals

    Oh, that's too bad. Otherwise I would have gotten to see you play. Good luck though, Espeon is a situational tech, but can really work out.
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    Vilegar 2.0 - WI Regionals

    No problem, and thanks. Good luck to you too, if you're going to WI, maybe we'll face each other :)
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    Vilegar 2.0 - WI Regionals

    Yup, however, I also have a Dialgachomp made ^_^ lol I would love a Mr. Mime CoL but unfortunately I don't have one :( I may trade for one before Regs tomorrow though. And yes, Crobat G is for quick snipes.
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    Gengar/Garchomp C (Regionals!) (Oops)

    Lol Glaceon, my bad, I could've sworn it was (P)(C)(C) for the attack...
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    Vilegar 2.0 - WI Regionals

    Borrow me a Gengar Prime or what?
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    Vilegar 2.0 - WI Regionals

    I did the Haunter change, and I don't have the Prime. Also I only have 1 Mewtwo ATM.
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    Vilegar 2.0 - WI Regionals

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    Gengar/Garchomp C (Regionals!) (Oops)

    RE: Gengar/Garchomp C (Regionals!) Masters (Oops) DCE + Psychic = same time as a Poltergeist.
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    Art Gallery Avatars and Art v.2. [Xerneas and Yveltal Avatars Added in Latest Post]

    RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Reshiram v.Z, Zekrom v.R added. I'll be using the Dialga v.4 art now. Thanks.
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    Vilegar 2.0 - WI Regionals

    Possibly. I have about 5 off hand, and I might put in a couple. I don't know if I will, but we will see. EDIT: I was playtesting with my friend, and 1-1 Mewtwo is all that is required because it won't be in play if there are no basics and shouldn't ever get knocked out against SP.