Search results

  1. Zangoosed

    Need Legal Sleeves

    I'm looking for sealed 60 count sleeves that are legal for modified tournament play. Would prefer any of the prerelease sleeves from any DP-AR set.
  2. Zangoosed

    Selling Pokemon Collectors and Primes

    RE: Zangoosed's Selling Thread! Well I'm thinking around $45 for all of those.
  3. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff EspeonROX: Those are all relatively low wants for me. The DP Promos are just a minor collection want. All i saw from your list is the Gardevoir SW, so unless you have any of my other wants I guess I'll have to pass. Sorry :(
  4. Zangoosed


    Good trader! Quick send! Well protected! +1 Positive Ref
  5. Zangoosed

    POP rankings?

    I believe its like that for everyone as most of the City Championship results haven't been transferred over to the new site yet. Give it time. I'm sure it will be fixed soon. Patience is a virtue.
  6. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff Jackolas: Don't see anything sorry.
  7. Zangoosed

    ~~ xPOKEFREAK72x

    RE: xPOKEFREAK72x Quick send! Good trader! Thanks! +1 Positive Ref
  8. Zangoosed


    Quick send! Awesome trader! Thanks! + 1 Positive Ref
  9. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff RareCandyAwesomeness: I'll have to pass then sorry EspeonROX: Would you do a Gardevoir SW and either DP Promo for 2 Pachirisu GE?? LMK thanks!
  10. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff kcv3: Nope Spardan19: You must be crazy. You do know all those star cards are worth like $15-30 each right?? captain.mongoose: No thanks RareCandyAwesomeness: Do u have Gengar Lv. X?
  11. Zangoosed

    esp. [W] Basic Dark

    RE: esp. [H] Gengar Lv. X, 2 Spiritomb, 8 Bebe's [W] Blaziken FB, Toxicroak G Im interested in your Gengar Lv. X I have: Garchomp C Lv. X (set) Charizard G Lv. X (set) (ENG) Garchomp MT (ENG) 2 Flygon RR Gallade SW Gardevoir Lv. X LMK if youre interested in making any kind of trade. Thanks!
  12. Zangoosed

    Kamina and pvtGramp Trade Pool

    My: Honchkrow Lv. X Dusknoir DP Rare Candy Your: Gengar Lv. X LMK thanks!
  13. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff zephilim: I've updated my list, I already have the Garchomp C X's that I need incoming. IGETCHEDDA: No thanks
  14. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb, Blaze FB, Gengar stuff PM'ed all who I was interested in trading with.
  15. Zangoosed

    CHEDDA TRADE [UPDATED!!!] W: Infernape 4 lv X

    RE: CHEDDA TRADE [UPDATED]H: Gengar lv X W:Deck Wants My: Blaziken FB LV. X Blaziken FB (RH) Tangrowth PA x 2 (1 RH) Energy Gain x 2 Power Spray x 3 Your: Gengar Lv. X LMK thx
  16. Zangoosed

    Please close :)

    RE: Looking for Mews $20 for both? LMK thx
  17. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus UPDATED LIST
  18. Zangoosed

    Please close :)

    RE: Looking for Mews Have Nintendo Promo Mew as well. That and the Mew * for $25 shipped? LMK thx
  19. Zangoosed

    I need Garchomp c lv X!

    I have 2 Japanese Dialga G I can sell you for $5. Not sure if you'd be interested in that. If not I also have 3 English ones as well. LMK thx
  20. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus Shoyru1444 : No its really not. I could buy one on Ebay right now for $15. And all the completed auctions i'm looking at for it are averaging between $10-20. And I just sold one on Ebay a few weeks ago for a little under $20. the crippler 18...