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  1. Shiny Dragonite

    XY Organizing Boxes

    I WANNA KNOW! How do you organize your PC? I've been trying to find a good way to organize my PC boxes. I want to be able to sort them in a good way. I've got too many flaws for my current set up.
  2. Shiny Dragonite

    Shiny Dragonite's Thread - Haves: BW: Dark Explorers & XY Starter Sets

    All of my cards are mint/near mint unless stated otherwise. Haves: Black and White 5: Dark Explorers - X/Y Starter Sets - Wants: Black and White 5: Dark Explorers - X/Y Starter Sets -
  3. Shiny Dragonite

    Wi-Fi Trades Shiny Dragonite's MyPlayer Thread - Haves: IV Bred Pokemon & Shinies!

    Hey everyone! Haves: IV Bred: (Hidden Ability) (Egg Moves) (Egg Moves) (Hidden Ability) (Hidden Ability) (Hidden Ability) Others: (Hidden Ability) Shinies: Legendaries...