Search results

  1. bbninjas

    Finished Mafia LIX-II: Make-A-Mafia: Game Over - Innocents Win!

    Mafia LIX-II Welcome to Mafia LVIX! If you are unfamiliar with forum mafia, please see our master document and new player guide here. I've got a bit of time up my sleeve - so I thought I might take Cel's game and run with it! If you're keen to play, please post /in and the role you'd like to...
  2. bbninjas

    TCG Fakes The Custom PTCG Plugin (Lackey) - A fully-original, custom card Pokémon TCG format!

    Ever dreamt of using original Pokémon cards in real games? Do you want a change of pace from an official, familiar meta? Look no further — this is the program for you! Welcome to the Custom Pokémon TCG Plugin page! This plugin allows you to use custom Pokémon trading cards online through your...
  3. bbninjas

    Finished Slap the Poster Above You With Anything 5 [YPPY]

    I saw someone was keen for some more YPPY and we haven't played this old favourite in years, so why the hell not! This is Slap the Poster Above You, yet another Forum Game that encourages violence of all kinds! To play, simply slap the poster above you with some atrocious species of fish or...
  4. bbninjas

    Finished The 2019 Inter-Forum Mafia Championships - Vom and NinjaPenguin Represent!

    We've been invited to participate in the Inter-Forum Mafia Championships once again! It's the largest inter-forum event on the entire web with 170+ communities involved. @NinjaPenguin represented us last year and I'll let him tell you how much he enjoyed the experience. :p The event will be...
  5. bbninjas

    Finished Mafia LVI : Revolt at the Zoo -- GAME OVER!

    Mafia LVI: ---- REVOLT AT CHORANGA ZOO ---- From the treetops, Kay peered alert around her dimly-lit exhibit. It was some ridiculous hour of the night. The resident crickets had long since retired from their evening chorus, and the air was feeling much too cold for a summer month. Kay knew...
  6. bbninjas

    General Does Everyone Deserve a Platform and a Voice? [Media / Politics]

    I've always been fascinated by the controversial figures and the people I don't quite understand. I like to hear their perspectives, their unsung stories and their realities, I like to learn from them and I like to decide for myself. Now, obviously if that is to happen, those controversial...
  7. bbninjas

    Contest PokéBeach Create-A-Card: July 2018 - Unused Types ~ Official Judging is Now Up!

    Welcome to the July round of the Create-A-Card! The theme for this month is Unused Types! The TCG has simplified the diverse range of types found in the canonical VG. For one, Bug is lumped in with Grass [G], Poison in with Psychic [P] and Ground in with Fighting [F]. This month, the card you...
  8. bbninjas

    Contest PokéBeach Create-A-Card: June 2018 - Glass Cannons ~ All Judging Up!

    Welcome to the June round of the Create-A-Card! The theme for this month is Glass Cannons! In the VG, glass cannons are typically Pokemon with high attacking potential at low costs, but have limited usability due to low HP and defences. You may respond to this theme however you’d like -...
  9. bbninjas

    Contest PokéBeach Create-A-Card: May 2018 - Psychic Types ~ Have Some Official Judging!

    Welcome to the May round of the Create-A-Card! The theme for this month is Psychic types! You may choose any Pokemon that is canonically a Psychic type Pokemon (i.e. no Poison / Ghost types, unless they are part-Psychic) to be the subject of your entry. The card itself does not have to be...
  10. bbninjas

    Finished The Inter-Forum Mafia Championships - Season 5 - NinjaPenguin & Prof_Jplap Represent!

    We have been invited to participate in the Inter-Forum Mafia Championships once again, by @Thingyman! This an official forum championship that sees 170+ forum communities around the web participate - so it's a big thing! It will be hosted and run at Mafia Universe, and you can find the main...
  11. bbninjas

    Contest PokéBeach Create-A-Card: April 2018 - Member's Pokemon ~ Official Judging Up!

    Welcome to the April round of the Create-A-Card! The theme for this month is Member’s Pokémon! Playing off the Owner’s Pokémon mechanic, your card should be of a Pokémon that reflects another member (of your choice) the best. For example, I might pick @aschefield101 and Mew, since he has an...
  12. bbninjas

    Finished PokeBeach Mafia 50: Fray at the Beach - Game Over - Claim Your Prizes and Vote!

    It was a bright and sunny day at the beach. Water-type Pokémon splashed in the sea while Flying-type Pokémon soared in the skies, and Pokémon of every shape and size frolicked on the shore. It seemed that no wrong could be done this day. That, of course, couldn’t last. In a darkened grotto, a...
  13. bbninjas

    Finished One Night Werewolf: Rebooted - Game Over - Congratulations to the Winner(s)!

    One Night Werewolf: Rebooted Ever thought Werewolf was too long, or that dying night 1 sucks? Well look no further than One Night Werewolf! Based on this, One Night Werewolf is exactly what it sounds like: Werewolf that only lasts one night. Along with this drastic change, there are, of course...
  14. bbninjas

    Contest PokéBeach Create-A-Card: March 2018 - Luck ~ Both Portions Up!

    Welcome to the March round of the Create-A-Card! The theme for this month is Luck. The requirements are pretty simple - all Pokemon are fair game, but at least one effect on your entry must involve a coin flip. The theme is no longer restricted to coin flips, but at least one effect must still...
  15. bbninjas

    Contest PokéBeach Create-A-Card: February 2018 - Create-A-Card Anniversary ~ All Results Up!

    Welcome to the February round of the Create-A-Card! It’s been one year since the reboot of the Create-A-Card! To celebrate this month, you may choose any Pokemon that placed in the top three in either the image- or text-based portions over the past year. A list of applicable Pokemon can be...
  16. bbninjas

    Contest PokéBeach Create-A-Card: January 2018 - Grass Types ~ Update: Image-Based Finally Up!

    Welcome to the January round of the Create-A-Card! Fitting for the fresh New Year, this month’s theme is Grass-type Pokemon! You may choose any Pokemon that is canonically a Grass type Pokemon (i.e. no Bug types, unless they are part-Grass) to be the subject of your entry. The card itself does...
  17. bbninjas

    NOTICE: Seeking to Hire New Forum Moderators!

    PokéBeach is seeking keen members to join the forum staff team as moderators! We are looking for active, passionate and skilled people who are keen to contribute to further PokéBeach as a site and as a community. Moderators work together to monitor the forums, ensuring that they run as smoothly...
  18. bbninjas

    Contest PokéBeach Create-A-Card: December 2017 - Winter (Items/Supporters/Stadiums) ~ Full Judging Up!

    Welcome to the December round of the Create-A-Card! This month’s theme is winter-themed Trainers! You may design an Item, Supporter, Stadium, or any other similar official mechanic, or even design a new type of Trainer of your choosing. Your entry must have been inspired by winter or the...
  19. bbninjas

    Contest Status Update for the Create-A-Card Judging

    For those wondering, here's an update on the CAC image-based judging that has been delayed for the past few months. For the record, three of the image-based judges unfortunately have had pull out for a variety of life reasons, hence the massive backlog. Those of us that remain have been rather...
  20. bbninjas

    Finished Inter-Forum Hydra Mafia Event - Looking For Teams!

    Some of you might just remember the Mafia Championships that were posted about earlier this year, which Celever did quite well in! In a similar vein, we've been invited to participate in a Hydra Event (details here, at Mafia Universe), and thanks Celever for forwarding this invite on. ^.^ If...