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  1. J

    lucky pack?

    well i went out and bought my first booster today since november. I got myself a HGSS booster and it consisted of the strangest pairing i have ever seen. I got a rare holo jumpluff AND feraligatr prime in the same packet. Is this a normal occurance in the HGSS sets?
  2. J

    Ruling Deoxys Questions

    Hi I don't know if these have already been asked but I would like some clarification if that is okay. Q1. Can I have 4 of each Deoxys in a deck (Eg, 3 Attack, 2 Defense, 4 Normal, 4 Speed), I think you can but I'm not sure? Q2. Form Change (Poke-Power), am I able to use Form Change on my...
  3. J

    Ruling Lucario GL with Azelf Lv.X

    Hi, I was wondering how these two Poke Bodies would work in the same deck as Lucario GL sets all Pokemon's weakness to x2 and Azelf prevents all weakness to Psychic Pokemon. The reason I want to know is for my Gallade 4 deck. Also is it a good combo?
  4. J

    Spanish Cards In An English Box - Please Look.

    Hi, I bought half a box of Platinum the other day and in all 18 packets my reverse holo cards where replaced with Spanish Reverse Holo Cards from Majestic Dawn, Legends Awakened, Stormfront and Great Encounters, that may sound strange but all together there are 11 different cards all with...
  5. J

    Ruling Fossil Question

    Say my opening hand has got a Fossil in it, am I able to use that as a basic Pokemon?
  6. J

    Ruling Level Max Questions

    I know this may sound like a couple of dumb questions, but can you use Level Max on your benched Pokemon? It has really got me and a fellow player really confused as it says Also would you be able to play a Pokemon from your hand onto your Bench and then Level Max to Level Up? Because in this...
  7. J

    How much are these cards worth?

    Hi, I was just wondering how much these cards are worth, they are all English and from the Platinum set. If anyone know how much these are worth in GBP(£) that would be even more helpful. Giratina Lv.X Palkia G Lv.X Shiny Swablu
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    Ruling Abomasnow & PlusPower

    Hi, my question is if I used Pluspower on Abomasnow would its spread damage be increased as it is stated to be damage, not damage counters?
  9. J

    Ruling Lost Zone vs Discard Pile and other Platinum questions

    Hi, with the Lost Zone mechanic less that 7 days away there is a lot of confusion how this works, some people now have it into there head that all cards that discard are now in effect going to be usless. I have a few questions about this I want clearing up if you all dont mind. Q1. Say I use...
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    J.Payne46's BannerZ - Temp Closure - WILL TAKE REQUESTS WHILE CLOSED

    Hi everyone, I recently did a thread on here telling people I am making Signatures, but I only had one reply. This is basically a full update of that. I have been using Photoshop for nearlly 3 years as I used to create jerseys for the game Football/Soccer Manager made by Sports Interactive. I...
  11. J

    Now Making Signatures For You

    Hi everyone. I have been on Pokebeach for a while now and wanted a Picture Signature, so I got myself Photoshop and started playing around, I have already made several for member of our League, also known as Team Phoenix. After some good responses from those people I though hey, I'll see if...
  12. J

    Ruling Ditto LA question

    Hi, with Ditto's ability to copy the opponent's Pokemon's attacks, does also copy type, Poke-Powers, Poke-Body's and Special Effects included in that Pokemon's attacks?
  13. J

    Kingdra to be new plox??

    who here plays kingdra and who also thinks it will become the new plox due to its power and speed. please vote.
  14. J

    What did you play at Battle roads

    Hi everyone, after my awesome battle roads 1st place in masters i was just wondering who played what and where they came. if you could lay it out like this that would be great. Username - j.payne46 Division - Masters Country - United Kingdom Position - 1st/6 Overall - 1st/14 Deck Used - Kingdra...
  15. J

    Ruling another leafeon lv.x question - sorry lol - Urgent response needed

    i have just noticed that with its poke-power that it reads this and the bit in bold is what im confused about now, Poke-Power - Energy Forcing Once during your turn (before your attack),you may attach an Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Pokemon. This power can't be used if Leafeon is...
  16. J

    Ruling New Rule Book Needed For All Players??

    who thinks there needs to be a new rule book for all players to have as all the questions that have been asked here need to be covered properly, how many time have you played a game and lost and then asked on here about something you wern't quite sure about or got told you can't do that and got...
  17. J

    Ruling quick question about leafeon lv.x

    how would it work if i used double rainbow energy with verdant dance, would it add 20 damage because it provides 2 energy or just 10 damage because its only 1 card if you get what i mean. thanks
  18. J

    how much are these japanese cards worth??

    hi, i got some japanese packets the other day and i was just wondering how much these are worth as i cant find there values anywhere on the internet. DP5 - rayquaza - holofoil - 1st edition DP5 - heatran - Holofoil - 1st edition DP5 - Giratina - holofoil - 1st edition Dp5 - Yanmega -...
  19. J

    Ruling lv.x question

    hi i was wondering if after you have evolved is it possible to level up into lv.x straight away as thats not classed as evolving, like this turn 1 you play eevee turn 2 you evolve into leafeon and then level up into leafeon lv.x or do you have to wait until your next turn? just...
  20. J

    Did i get good deals?

    hi i recently bought a few cards of ebay and was wondering if i got good deals for them , heres what i got:- Japanese DP5 Heatran Holo - £1.00/$2.00 (Legends Awakened) Japanese DP5 Giratina Holo - £1.00/$2.00 (Legends Awakened) English Glaceon Lv.X 98/100 - £4.20/$8.40 (Majestic Dawn)...