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  1. Anthony Orosco

    Discussion Expanded Zoroark/Lycanroc Mirror Match Advice?

    Started testing this deck over the weekend and have quickly fallen in love with it's play-style and fluidity. Sadly, however, no one at my LGS has picked this deck up and I haven't been able to get the cards needed online as of yet. Does anyone have advice on the mirror? It's a little awkward...
  2. Anthony Orosco

    Discussion Anaheim Regional Results?

    Does anyone who attended the event know who placed in top 8 and with what decks? Pokemon always drags this out and tends to release the info way late. Thanks!:)
  3. Anthony Orosco

    Pokemon Favorite Pokemon Song

    Pokemon games have been around for 20 years now, and we have heard so many great tunes from Mr. Masuda. Music is such an awesome way of expressing joy, grief, or a wide range of emotions. What song, remix, or cover do you consider the best? And why? For me, I have fallen in love with Lillie's...
  4. Anthony Orosco

    Standard Mega Scizor/Garb Deck for Regionals. CALLING ALL SCIZOR PLAYERS!!!!

    I have been preparing for the Dallas Regionals quite heavily these past few months, and the deck I will be running is a Mega Scizor/Garbodor deck. So far, Scizor has played really well in the Regionals that have already taken place. But from what people have said, Volcanion is showing up in full...
  5. Anthony Orosco

    Trades [USA] H: Tapu Leles W: Marshadow GX FA/HR

    Hello! Welcome to my humble trade thread! I have 5 rules to follow before you trade with me: 1. Cards you trade me must be either lightly played, near-mint, or mint. 2. You live in the U.S (Sorry, maybe after I get more stock I'll go WW) 3. You be courteous to everyone on this thread. 4. The...
  6. Anthony Orosco

    Standard Rainbow Force for Budget Players

    Much like everyone, rotation has been a pain for me. I dismantled my old deck (Trevenant), and started my search for a new Standard deck to use. I finally decided on a Rainbow Force Xerneas deck, since I already had most of the Pokemon and it was the most budget deck thats actually viable in...
  7. Anthony Orosco

    Standard Gengar / Crobat: A Match Made in Troll Heaven

    So I recently dismantled my old Fairy deck, and I thought "Hey! I really need to make a deck that is not only good, but REALLY trolly!" When I talked about what I was planning to do with all of the people I meet with at my local cardshop/Pokemon League, I was greeted with the biggest eye-rolls...
  8. Anthony Orosco

    Standard Darkrai Evil Deck Help

    So I may get a lot of flack for wanting to make a deck like this, but I love the trollyness of the recent Darkrai Mythical Box Promo. (Abyssal Sleep is on its way to a ban, mark my words.) I'm not exactly sure what to do, but the cards I have that I would like to put into it is: 3x Darkrai...