Search results

  1. D

    Charizard / Emboar / Delphox

    Pokemon: 1 M Charizard Y EX 2 Charizard EX (Stoke) 2-1-2 Emboar 2-1-2 Delphox 1-1 Pyroar Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 3 Prof Letter 4 Rare Candy 2 Float Stone 2 Evosoda 1 Comp Search 3 Skyla 2 Shauna 2 Fiery Torch 2 Protect Cube 2 Muscle Band 3 Superior Energy Retrieval...
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    Vile Box (BW-on)

    Boundaries Crossed will be a great set, and the addition of Vileplume to the format has caused some eyebrows to be raised. It looks like a good card on paper, but can it be played the right way and fit into the format? That's what I'm trying to figure out, and I think that with this list it...
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    Pokemon 3-2-3 Empoleon 3-3 Accelgor 3 Emolga 1 Mew EX T/S/S 3 Max Potion 4 Pokemon Catcher 4 Rare Candy 4 Pokemon Communication 2 Ultra Ball 3 Level Ball 3 Cheren 1 Random Reciever 3 Switch 3 N 2 Juniper Energy 6 Water 4 Double Colorless Energy Strategy: Set up 2-3 Accelgor immediately and...
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    Altaria DRX

    I haven't seen a thread about this yet, so here goes. When you get down to it, Altaria is not a desirable card for tournament play any more. It is Catcher bait and takes up the bench, rendering the deck useless without a Skyarrow Bridge or other method of easily retreating, and it gets...
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    Megazone (Yanmega/Magnezone)

    Hey everybody. After Regionals and failing hard with Vilegar, I felt like I needed a better deck. Although I know I got horrible matchups and bad starts, I still feel like Vilegar is inferior to some of the less played, but still good decks out there. Originally, I was deciding between playing...
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    Vilegar 2.0 - WI Regionals

    Hey everybody, I posted my old Vilegar build a while ago and it got quite a bit of discussion, which I'm glad about. I made top cut with my old, worse one, but here's my current Vilegar list that I am planning on running at Regionals at the Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin Dells. Hope you guys can...
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    Emape (Rogue)

    Pokemon - 24 2-2-2 Emboar (BW, BW, BW) 3-2-3 Infernape (PL, PL, PL) 2-2 Ninetails (CoL, CoL) 1 Uxie (LA) 1-1 Blissey Prime (HGSS, HGSS) T/S/S - 21 2 Energy Returner 4 Fisherman 2 VS Seeker 2 Expert Belt 2 Stark Mountain 2 BTS 2 Bebe's Search 2 Pokemon Collector 2 Twins 1...
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    Gyarados - With a Twist!

    Pokemon 4-2 Gyarados (CoL, SF) 1-1 Dialga G (PL, PL) 2 Uxie (LA) 1 Mesprit (LA) 4 Sableye (SF) 1 Regice (LA) 1 Unown Q (MD) T/S/S 2 Dual Ball 1 Luxury Ball 2 Expert Belt 2 Judge 1 BTS 1 Looker's Investigation 1 Copycat 1 Palmer's Contribution 2 Pokemon Collector 3 Bebe'a Search...
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    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    Pokemon 3-3-3-1 Gengar (SF, SF, SF, SF) 2-1-2 Vileplume (LA, UD) 4 Spiritomb (AR) 1-1 Espeon (MD, UD) 2 Uxie (LA) 1 Azelf (LA) 1 Smeargle (UD) 2 Unown Q (MD) 1 Crobat G (PL) T/S/S 2 Rare Candy 1 Looker's Investigation 1 Copycat 2 Pokemon Collector 2 Prof. Oak's New Theory 2 BTS...
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    Writing Furroshi: The Story of Wolves

    Okay, so I had to write this for school as a story, and I figured I'd post it here, just because Warning: May contain minor language and/or content inappropriate for children under the age of 12-13. This is the entire story, although I will make a seperate second book of this. Please take...
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    Dialga X's banner shop (Looking for sprite artist, etc.)

    Dialga X's Banner shop!!! The Pikachus Welcome You This is the Dialga X banner shop. We are currently looking for two employees. Employee sign up form Username: Nickname: Specialty: I can take a request, and I have every right to cancel that request if I so choose. I will PM it to...
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    The New DS Thread

    Hi, I just thought it would be cool to post some pics of the newest DS coming out. Some may actually be fake but I don't know if they are or not so tell me if they are :) I think this one is a very clever fake of the Arcade Mario cart game and then they threw in the picture of the touch...
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    The "Computer Talk" thread

    This is the Official Computer/Slang Talk thread. Please post here for new members, for they will most likely not know a lot of this stuff, Unless they have been part of Forums Before.