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  1. I

    Doodle 4 Google 2012

    If you could travel in time, where would you go? That is the theme of Doodle 4 Google 2012 this year. Basically, you draw the Google logo with the said theme, 1 person from each of the five age divisions gets chosen from every state, which leaves us with 250. Then another round of voting goes...
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    How would the Format be Different if Rare Candy was Never Errata'd?

    I know this isn't where I usually post, but hey, gotta stay updated with the TCG sometimes. So, I played a game using MD-on cards and rules recently for fun and I thought to myself, 'I wonder what the format would be like if Rare Candy was never nerfed?' So, this thread came about. I...
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    Black Friday

    Well, we're hours away from Black Friday and no discussion has really been made. Where are you going and what stores do you think have the best deals? The thread can also be utilized to find the best prices for things. If you're having problems finding a discount, ask away! I guess I can...
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    'Hidden' Item Attributes?

    I've heard from SEVERAL people on PO say that certain items give certain thigns certain bonuses. ex. (from what I've heard) Repel works like and instant Whirlwind when you send out a Pokemon with it equipped. Big Pearl makes the move Pay Day ridiculously high base damage. I'm sure theres...
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    Ruling Mulligans

    So, lets say you start a game. Both Player A and Player B have mulligans. The next setup neither do. Do they both draw one card for the mulligans or does no one draw a card?
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    DPPt/HGSS Hatman's SoulSilver Nuzlocke Run- Part 6: aljwrbgvuoahegij YUS

    Well, I've decided that since I discontinued my Ruby Hack (due to no one having intrest in it since they had no idea what was going on), I've decided to save that for a possible future Let's Play if I ever do any of those and instead intrest people in something thay actually know about. I'll try...
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    RSE/FRLG Hatman's Blind Nuzlocke of Ruby Destiny: Reign of Legends

    Hey everybody, this is a Nuzlocke run of Pokemon Ruby Destiny: Reign of Legends. It is a hack of Pokemon Ruby, so it is a 3rd generation game as far as I'm aware of. I was randomly searching around for a good hack to play and found this. It looked like it had some pretty good reviews. I have no...
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    Pokebeach's Never Ending Story

    RULES: 1: This game is YPPY, which is You-Person-Person-You. Do not post before two others have posted is all this means. 2: No more than 20 words per post. This is more generous than the last version of the game, so don't break it too badly. 3: As a follow up to the previous rule, you need...
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    Ruling Mulligans

    I thought Mulligans still were ruled the same, (draw a card if the opponent has a mulligan) but this answer made me think differently. Which one are you supposed to do?
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    Bill S.978, The Bill to End Video Games on the Internet?

    Hi there guys, today I'm here to tell you guys about a new bill started in Congress. This bill was started to prevent the streaming of copyrighted material over the internet. This means movies, TV shows, etc. This may seem like a good thing at first, but at the way it is worded at the moment, it...
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    I Wanna be the Guy and Other "Impossible" Games

    I'm sure you all out there have at least heard of one sort of impossible game, whether it be QWOP, I Wanna be the Guy, I Wanna be the Fan Game, etc. If you haven't heard of such games, Google is your friend. The reason for me starting this thread was because I'm doing a run through of I...
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    Ruling Samurott

    I use Donphan Prime's Earthquake while I have Samurott (Ability) on my bench. Because of Samurott's ability, would he be damaged by the Earthquake? I'm assuming the answer is no, but the card does say 'Any damage done to this Pokemon by attacks...' so I just wanna make sure.
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    The RNG Q&A Thread

    I've been seeing quite a few threads based on RNG problems lately, and I decided, 'Hey! Why not make a thread for it?' And so, this thread came to be. Here are some things you should probably mention before posting a question here. 1. State whether you are using a C-Gear seed or a Non C-Gear...
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    Ruling Zoroark

    Hypothetical situation time! I'm playing a double battle, and we both have Zoroark as one of our two active Pokemon. I use Foul Play, copy my opponent's Foul Play, and then copy an attack on my allied Pokemon. Would that be legal? EDIT: Just realized this is Post #1300 for me. EDIT 2...
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    Ruling Defender

    I attach Defender to my Zekrom and attack with Bolt Strike, thus doing 20 damage to myself instead of 40 because Defender reduces self recoil in the same manner that PlusPower adds to it. The question is when I would discard the card. Would I discard at the end of my opponent's turn, as the card...
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    Zelda: Skyward Sword Delayed until 2012?

    Before commenting here, watch this for details. :smashcomp Now, keep in mind this is only a rumor, but it still seems very possible. While Link in HD would be cool, I sorta want to play it now. As stated in the video, if the game is worth the wait, then I can take the wait, but if they...
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    Ruling Foul Play on Weedle

    Hooray for more Foul Play rulings~ So, hypothetically I'm playing Umlimited several years from now and they have made a Zoroark evolution (I know it sounds sorta dumb, but I'm curious on this ruling) My Zoroark attacks a Weedle with Foul Play, and I choose Speed Evolution. Would I get to...
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    The OU Team Without a True Name

    I made an interesting Agility-Metagross set earlier and I really wanted to try it out. So, I built a team around it and the result is pretty cool. At a Glance Obviously, if I was going to build a team around Metagross, I should have it. It is one of the most powerful Pokemon in OU with a...
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    Team Peek At You (UU)

    I've been trying to think of something original lately, and I tried an idea that I've only seen once before. That would be trying to use the most popular, well known Pokemon as a sweeper, Pikachu. Dementor (Froslass) (F) @ Focus Sash Trait: Cursed Body EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd...
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    Shogakukan, a Japanese Publishing Company, Bans Fanart

    Well, here's the link, I think that page just about sums everything up. So what's your guy's reaction? I don't like it, it'll really do a number on the artistic community. A very large portion of Deviant Art is gonna be angry. Everyone in the Art Corner here is too. While resources like...