Search results

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    Team Undaunted, Taking pokemon to a lost world.

    Welcome to Team Undaunted. I created this team as a place for pokemon video games, pokemon TCG, pokemon anime, and all other parts of the pokemon world. This is a place where you can come and discuss anything pokemon related. Please just keep in mind our rules and have fun. Team Rules: 1...
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    Next Seasons Metagame

    I want everyone to help me make the top ten decks for next season by posting what they think will be the top 3 decks and why they think they will. 1) Sableock 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Suggested Decks. Sableock +20 Machamp +6 Gengar SF +2 Gengar Prime +6 Charizard +5...
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    Want Mesprit LA!!!!!!

    Deck: 1x Uxie X Spiritomb AR Mesprit LA I will buy HGSS Noctowlsas many as you have. Merchandise: Darkari Playmet Pokeball Playmat Great Ball Playmat Ultraball Playmatt Pokemon Professor Sleeves Collection: Pikachu M Lv.X All Holo Energies Shining Noctowl Hitmonchan EX VS...
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    I want your signed cards!!! Updated with Pictures!!!

    I wan't to get a signed card of your favorite pokemon from as many of the pokemon players/collectors around the world. Please PM to let me know who you are so I can add your name to the list. As you send me your card I will post you name here. Steelix_Kid Rotom_Kid Pixie_Queen Azelf...
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    ***Closed Until futher notice. Please do not trade with until further notice****

    USA Trading Rules 1. All pokebeach rules apply. 2. Don't spam. 3. I only ship to the U.S. 4. Don't post some outrageous trade. 5. I expect all cards to be in toploaders when I receive them. 6. If you don't specify on promo or not then I will decide. 7. The cards may take a while to get...