Hello, Been awhile since I posted here since we quit the TCG....
I'm currently trying to sell off my promo/swag collection and have one that I. can not find a price on....That being a uncut sheet of Neo Genesis commons and trainers. It is a full sheet of 40 or so cards . Any ideas on the rarity...
I'm looking to buy any, and all, world championships swag. please name a price shipped to Me in Canada.
Ie. Binder and set, pikachu plushie, mat and anything else from worlds.[/align]
Thanks, MIke
Bring me your HGSS basic energy's! I will buy in quantity and need 10 of each type.
Fire x10
water x10
Grass x10
Psychic x10
fighting x10
electric x10
metal x10
darkness x10
LMK what you have any what your asking price is, please keep in mind this is for basic...
Welcome to Mikey's trade thread! Please abide by my rules
if you post here and everything will go smooth!
This thread is permanently closed due to lack of interest.:D If you anyone wish's to trade please come to the gym where I will be trading from now on.