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  1. StealthAngel667

    SPring Battle Road (lolpuns) 29th of May, Netherlands (MD-CL)

    So, figured I should write up a report for a change. I've been busy judging for pretty much the whole season, so I decided to hit up a tournament to actually play the game again, and take a more close-up look on the metagame, so I can prepare for Nationals. My SP list for this tournament...
  2. StealthAngel667

    What are some bad decks in Pokemon TCG (Game Boy version)

    Why hello there. A few days ago I've been challenged to make a Let's Play of Pokemon TCG, so basically this means that I try to show off all the little aspects of the game, make videos of it and throw it on Youtube. The final thing I want to show is the Elite Four + Ronald, but I want it to...
  3. StealthAngel667

    Let's Plays

    So basically, a Let's Play video consists of a person showing you a game by filming it, mostly with voice commentary. I was wondering if you guys ever made/watched any LPs. If not, allow me to introduce them to you. My name is SA667 and this is my first LP (please ignore part V, it's a joke...
  4. StealthAngel667

    Ruling Cursegar + Gengar Prime

    Quick one here. If you, say, would be having a Gengar AA active and would use its attack to KO PokeX and skip into Gengar Prime, would you then proceed to put PokeX into the Lost Zone in accordance to Prime's Body? Because from my experience, you first do everything else that the attack tells...
  5. StealthAngel667

    The ill fate of (most) evolutions

    This will be in the form of a conspiracy theory topic and is meant for discussion only. Tell me what you think. The first thing noticeable about AA is that it has a lot more Evolution lines than RR and PT did. And SV, too, I think. The second thing, and the one this topic will be about, is the...
  6. StealthAngel667

    Ruling Flygon vs Dusknoir X

    So this is the scenario I'm trying to figure out: my opponent somehow manages to get Dusknoir X stuck in the Stadium spot and I use Sand Wall. What happens? I'd say Flygon would just do 40 and Dusknoir returns to the hand. Or does Flygon still get invincibility? It would be strange, since...
  7. StealthAngel667

    Decline of the Deck Garage

    Seriously, lately I see little to no constructive criticism. Most people don't even get any further than "-4 cards, + 2-2 Claydol" Some people don't bother anymore to jot their strategy down, since noone cares anymore anyway. And guess what? They actually have a point. Original decks are...
  8. StealthAngel667

    Future Modified [DP-BET]

    Well, maybe some of you already noticed it (and/or participated) but the Deck Garage has never before been so flooded, for a big part with decks from sets that won't be out for a few months (namely the English equivalents of GC and BET). Sure, it's nice to know the spoilers for the sets...
  9. StealthAngel667

    Ruling Forretress LA + Leafeon X

    So with all the SF-on questions swarming this section, I figured I'd ask a relevant question instead. Would you get 2 coin flips with Leafeon LV X's Energy Forcing and attaching two energy? I'm not sure, but if I read it, it makes me think it works that way. Not sure though.
  10. StealthAngel667

    Ruling Ape Lv. X - Burning Head

    It says something like "Look at the top 3 cards of the deck, then add 1 to the hand and discard the remaining 2." Now, for my questions: 1) Is it usable if there are less than 3 cards in the deck? 2) If it is, say there are 2. Is the user allowed to discard both, or do you need to add 1 to the...
  11. StealthAngel667

    Ruling WP & damage counters

    Yeah, so a while ago a discussion started over my damage counter deck (BEG for mercy). Since I haven't heard a moderator about this yet, I would like to present the main issue here, hopefully for a final answer. Let's say I start with Shuppet, Ascend, and next turn use Banette SW's first attack...
  12. StealthAngel667

    Ruling Empoleon LVL X

    Suppose the game's like this. I'm a Kricketune player and totally slacking off. So much, in fact, that my opponent manages to set up an Empoleon LVL X. He uses his Power and I have to place 2 cards face down, as usual. Of course, next turn I throw in a CC. However, since part of the Power says I...
  13. StealthAngel667

    The "X IS GONNA B NXT ARCHTYPE FTW?!" thread

    So today was somewhere near the 9000th time I saw someone all going crazy about how his deck was going to be teh next archetype. Then I ask myself: why? So I started analyzing some things...and came up with this little topic, I guess. This is what can happen 1) Your deck will not be an...
  14. StealthAngel667

    Ruling Darkrai LVL X...where is your god now? o_O

    Darkrai Lv.X HP 100 Poke-Body: Dark Shadow - For each basic Darkness energy attached to your Darkness-type Pokemon, attacks do 10 more damage to the Defending Pokemon. So that's the spoiler on the front page. Now I was wondering, how would you read the Poke-Body? For instance, you play...
  15. StealthAngel667

    Did I pwn a noob today?

    I give -Lapras LM -Mewtwo d DS He gives -Mewtwo star Amidoinitrite? =P
  16. StealthAngel667

    Ruling Cards written on...

    Well, title explains it. I got some cards from a friend of mine, but one of em, a Mawile PK, has this '20' written on it with a pen at the right side of 'Call for Family'. This is (unfortunately xD ) not true. It is clearly a legal card and it is easy to tell that the number was added with a pen...
  17. StealthAngel667

    Ruling Deck idea

    Heya all, I got this deck idea in my idiotic brain for a while. I was planning to bench a Houndoom UF and a Milotic d, while placing a Mawile PK as an active pokemon (not the strongest pokemon ever, I know that) The trick is that with Houndoom UF, all trainers but supporters become useless as...