Search results

  1. Pokémaniac

    Intrepid Inspector[GAME][NOT POKEMON]

    From the person who brought you Parallel, Think Outside the Box, and Ellipsus, comes.. A most wretched crime has occurred in a small town. It is your job as the honorable Inspector Ivan Bowler to find the offending party to justice! Find evidence by investigating the crime scene and use it...
  2. Pokémaniac

    Awesome music maker site

    Right click and copy to get a code, right click paste to listen to a code. My code: 1154,1026,65536,4,36,32768,2,2,128,4,2052,4096,8226,2,260,260
  3. Pokémaniac

    [COMPLETE]Think Outside the Box [GAME](Not Pokemon)

    Welcome to the world of Boxes! Please leave one of your dimensions at the door, then come in and stretch your sides. Comfortable? Good. Now, let's get down to the nitty gritty. Why should you stay in the world of Boxes? Well let me give you a few reasons. All the brain-busting fun of an...
  4. Pokémaniac

    Zoroark's Sprite by a maniac

    IS- WAS- I love scratch spriting. C&C please?
  5. Pokémaniac

    A Playable Fake Set (Spoilers completed)

    (NOTE- I'm not sure if this belongs in TCG discussion or Fan creations. I put it here because this is where the people that are likely to care go. Move if necessary.) RedShark Set’s First Set Beta Finally, after much effort, I am ready to put my idea out to people to help test and...
  6. Pokémaniac

    Fake set testing

    I need help testing out a fake set. If you're competent at RS and fairly good at the game itself give me a buzz and you may just be able to help out. Cheers!
  7. Pokémaniac

    User tags!

    What do people think of them? I think the mod one's not so great, but I'm just glad they gave members Mudkip. =P
  8. Pokémaniac

    Signature limit?

    It seems that quite a few people have signatures that suddenly just cut off in the middle of banners and such. Is this a new way of limiting sig size? If so, good thinking mods!
  9. Pokémaniac

    Tell me how, give me brushes, make me good! (GIMP)

    Okay so I've been looking around for a good tut for GIMP recently and all I can find are people making their banners into seperates threads and calling them tutorials. Here's what I want out of this thread before it dies(and I'm sure many other GIMP newbs would love to see)- 1. An...
  10. Pokémaniac

    Ruling 2 Questions on TMs

    1. Can you have more than 1 of the same TM on a Pokemon? If not- 2. Can you move a TM that you already have on to that Pokemon from another one of your Pokemon using the promo Porygon-Z? Oh, and I think I know the answer to this one, but can you move a TM onto a Pokemon that wouldn't...
  11. Pokémaniac

    Arceus and Shaymin - My gift to the site!

    After a bit of investagating and some abuse of PUSA's stupidity, I managed to find these 2 - albeit low quality - Ken Sugimori pictures of Shaymin (Who's actually already available in better quality but never mind...) And... Drumroll please... The one... The only... ARCEUS!!!
  12. Pokémaniac

    Who's that Person-mon? (You-Person-Person-You)

    Remember the old game where you said what Pokémon the personabove resembled? Well that died so I decided to revive it with a different name. Have fun!
  13. Pokémaniac

    Writing A Small Belt in a Very Large System

    Chapter 1 An evil man stood in a menacing stance, his Skuntank ready to strike. The man wore a thick, swimsuit-esque shirt with similar pants. The clothing was a navy colour, with grey stripes down either side. The man looked like an alien in his creepy attire. Dang, I probably look just...
  14. Pokémaniac

    Kanto Starters

    Hey, I'm working on a set. It's going to have all the Kanto Pokemon in it. But more on that later. Here are the 3 Starters of Kanto. Please rate them! Bulbasaur 60 HP Grass G Whip 10x Flip 4 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. GC Bloom Search your deck for a...
  15. Pokémaniac

    Galactic's Pokemon are like light- weightless!

    I recently got a box of Galactic's Conquest. I noticed that all the Pokemon G have a single word where their weight and height should be. Does anyone know what it says?
  16. Pokémaniac

    FINAL ROUND! A Spoiler Contest! =O

    Hey guys! I'm holding like the only spoiler contest going on currently. Contenders: -Prof. Shinx -iKyLeZ -XKurama93X The scoring system: Originality: /50 Grammar: /50 Attack Names: /20 Attack Costs: /20 Weakness, Resistance, Retreat Cost, HP: /10 Total: /150 The rounds are...
  17. Pokémaniac


    Well, Galactic's Conquest marks the release of 3 massively awesome old school Pokeymanz that were once a top-tier archetype. A force to be feared. Don't mess with no Hitmonchan, or he'll jab ya in the eye! Don't laugh at Scyther, or you'll feel the punch of last turn's Sword's Dance! Just don't...
  18. Pokémaniac

    The world ends tomorrow?

    Tommorow, scientists are activating a super-powerful machine that will do a series of extremely awesome things to try and recreate the Big Bang. Whilst most believe nothing bad will happen, and in fact the Ansers to the Universe will be revealed(Or, at least made a little bit more obvious), some...
  19. Pokémaniac

    Pokemon Phione may have a new form?

    I was thinking - You know how Phione is completely pointless in every way? Well, ever thought, that might be because it has a new form? Just think about it for a sec. Look at the orange one, then compare it to Phione. Knowing how much Pokemon change when they evolve, It could easily be it.
  20. Pokémaniac

    Ruling Registeel LA

    Can I discard 2 cards from my hand with Registeel(LA)'s PokePower even if it has no damage counters?