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    XY Character limit for Pokémon and Pokémon moves extended?

    The 5 letter limit for Japanese Pokémon names was broken with Talonflame's Japanese name. Also, Helioptile's new move, "Parabolic Charge" has broken the 12 character limit for moves in English. Will this change anything important, in your opinion? Do you think it's a good/bad idea?
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    Pokemon Opinion on Giving Nicknames to your Pokémon

    Do you give your Pokémon nicknames? Why? Does it make you feel closer to your Pokémon? Does it bug you when people nickname their Pokémon? etc.
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    Pokemon If you could live anywhere in the Pokemon World, where would you live?

    Basically what the title states. Where would you live in the Pokemon World? It doesn't have to be a city or town. It can be a cave, forest, even a route for all I care! Be as specific as you can and be sure to say why you want to live there! :D
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    Pokemon What's your opinion on Pokérus?

    Pokérus is a rare virus found in the video games that is beneficial to the EV's of the Pokémon that contracted it. Do you use it if your Pokémon gets infected? Do you think it really serves a purpose? Should it be easier to find? Heck, have you even come across it before? I've come across...
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    Pokemon Your thoughts on non-evolving Pokémon

    I know that most of the time, I don't use non-evolving Pokémon. I'm not really sure why. I mean, I like a lot of their designs, but I don't use them in my party in the games. What are your thoughts on Pokémon that don't evolve?
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    Pokemon What are some of the worst Pokémon names, what makes them so awful, and what should they be?

    In your opinion, what are some of the worst Pokémon names, and what makes them so awful? What do you think they should be? Please don't just write: "Volbeat" or "Hariyama's name sux" Please make this a constructive discussion and give reasons. Thanks! :D
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    Pokemon What is your favorite Pokemon type? Why?

    What's your favorite type? Why? What's your favorite Pokémon of your favorite type? Basically, this thread is all about types!
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    Pokemon What is your opinion on human-like Pokémon?

    Some people love 'em. Some people hate 'em. What about you?
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    XY What Current Pokémon / Moves Would You Like To See Changed into a Fairy-type? Why?

    What Pokémon/moves do you want retconned? Do you have any ideas for some new Fairy-type Pokémon/moves?
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    XY The Dumbest Thing You Did in Pokémon Games?

    I was playing Sapphire Version, and I encountered a wild Wurmple. It was a shiny Wurmple. I caught it, looked at it, then released it because I thought it was a glitch. I didn't know about shinies back then. I was so stupid... lol.
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    XY What do you think X and Y's storyline will be? What about the 3rd version?

    Xerneas is the embodiment of good. Yveltal is the embodiment of evil. In Pokémon X, the team seeks to destroy Yveltal. They have good intentions. However, the team fails to realize that by eliminating evil, all that is left is good, and thus, free will ceases to exist. In Pokémon Y, the team...
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    XY What are some inanimate objects that you want a Pokémon based on?

    We've gone from Magnets to Gears. From Pokeballs to Ice cream. Are there any inanimate objects that you want to see made into a Pokemon? Or do you dislike object Pokemon?
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    XY What do you think the theme of the names of the Kalos Region's cities will be? (think colors, plants

    In Gen I, they were based on colors. In Gen II, they were plants. In Gen III and IV, they were two random words. In Gen V, they were clouds. What will Gen VI's city theme be? As of now, we have one city known to us: Lumiose City. What do you think it'll be? Once I get enough responses, I'll post...
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    Pokemon Which Pokémon Should Gain New Formes?

    Are there any Pokémon from past generations that you would like to gain a new form? Personally, I would like a Snowy Cloak Burmy and Wormadam. This would give us our first Bug/Ice type. Are there any you can think of?
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    Pokemon What extra features in past Pokémon games did you like? Why?

    In past games, we've been introduced some pretty fun features, such as Safari Zones, PokéStar Studios, and Pokéathlon. What was your favorite and why? What do you hope we get in X and Y? Do you hope they'll bring a feature back?