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  1. P

    Wi-Fi Trades The MT. Equin0x Trading Climb! All rarities! Shinies, mega stones, iv'd pokemon!

    I added you (the first of the two FCs you have listed). And thanks, I really appreciate it.
  2. P

    Wi-Fi Trades The MT. Equin0x Trading Climb! All rarities! Shinies, mega stones, iv'd pokemon!

    Check my thread for 5IV Houndour. Also, I'm going to try and find a HA Klink: when I do, can you use your 6IV Ditto to breed an adamant one? Of course I'll try and pay you back well for that.
  3. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Porcelainpot's Trade Thread, 5IV Pokemon

    I only have 5IV Cyndaquils, and I basically need to get rid of them because I have so many, so it's perfectly fine. Added you back.
  4. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Porcelainpot's Trade Thread, 5IV Pokemon

    I'm fine with that. Added you, my FC is in my signature.
  5. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Porcelainpot's Trade Thread, 5IV Pokemon

    No problem. I didn't mark it, so if it doesn't have the right IVs tell me. And thanks for the Clauncher!
  6. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Porcelainpot's Trade Thread, 5IV Pokemon

    Yes I do, it's no problem. Tell me when you're ready.
  7. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Porcelainpot's Trade Thread, 5IV Pokemon

    I can do that for a 4IV Paras. I have a generic wonder trade 5IV female regenerator slowpoke if that's cool with you, but I'll be breeding a Slowpoke for Dr.Mario soon anyway so I can give you one of those instead.
  8. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Porcelainpot's Trade Thread, 5IV Pokemon

    Female if possible, but whichever one's easiest for you. Definitely! Again, I have the right 5IV parents so I'll breed you one as soon as I get past breeding the Slowpoke above as well as what I'm breeding right now. I'll notify you when it's ready.
  9. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Dracaufeu's IV and Shiny Trading Den LF:Competitive 5-6 IV H: 6 IV Spanish Ditto

    RE: Dracaufeu's Trading Den Has All Starters and Porygon! It's fine, I'm still good with a Timburr. My FC is in my signature.
  10. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Porcelainpot's Trade Thread, 5IV Pokemon

    I'm fine with that. If you have one with at least 1 perfect IV, or more, that'd be great but I'm cool with the Treecko as long as it has the ability. I can breed one for you with the right IV spread since I have the appropriate 5IV parents, but I'm currently stocked breeding something else...
  11. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Dracaufeu's IV and Shiny Trading Den LF:Competitive 5-6 IV H: 6 IV Spanish Ditto

    RE: Dracaufeu's Trading Den Has All Starters and Porygon! I'm still interested in one though. How about Cyndaquil+Helioptile for Timburr + Treecko? HA Totodile isn't available yet. Basically, the HAs of the Johto and Unova starters are not yet released, the rest are.
  12. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Dracaufeu's IV and Shiny Trading Den LF:Competitive 5-6 IV H: 6 IV Spanish Ditto

    RE: Dracaufeu's Trading Den Has All Starters and Porygon! That's fine. Just checking, your 5IV Treeckos don't have their HAs, right? Because Unburden IS released, unlike Cyndaquil's flash fire. If your Treecko does have its HA I would be very interested in it, though I'd like one either way.
  13. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Shiny Dragonite's MyPlayer Thread - Haves: IV Bred Pokemon & Shinies!

    Added you, my friend code is in my signature.
  14. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Dracaufeu's IV and Shiny Trading Den LF:Competitive 5-6 IV H: 6 IV Spanish Ditto

    RE: Dracaufeu's Trading Den Has All Starters and Porygon! Still up for the Timburr+Tynamo trade? I now have 5IV Cyndaquils to offer.
  15. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Porcelainpot's Trade Thread, 5IV Pokemon

    That's not a problem, and thanks.
  16. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Porcelainpot's Trade Thread, 5IV Pokemon

    Is the 5IV Tyrunt ok for the Cyndaquil?
  17. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Shiny Dragonite's MyPlayer Thread - Haves: IV Bred Pokemon & Shinies!

    Cml for adamant Poliwag w/water absorb missing only Special Attack.
  18. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Porcelainpot's Trade Thread, 5IV Pokemon

    Friend Code: 1607-2745-3562 IGN: Pippin Time Zone: GMT Times Available: Depends Haves: - 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Skiddos, either ability. -31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Lillipups, Pickup (Sand Rush), w/pursuit -31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Chatots, Keen Eye or Tangled Feet, w/Boomburst...
  19. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Keeper's Trade and Battle Thread - Closed

    RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IV Calm/Bold Frillish and many other 5 IV 'mons It's hard to get a female Cyndaquil, so far I have only 5IV males. I prefer male Jellicents anyway, so works for me.