Search results

  1. Honest Raven

    Wi-Fi Trades LF Non-English 5iv Pokes for Masuda!

    Well well! I can certainly trade for that, if you are willing! Pretty much ask for what you like. Since you are not on a foerign game, I'll gladly give 3-6 perfect pokes, or the shiny Eevee and a couple of perfects (I'm holding onto the Phantump for a bit as Akwila was interested in it) from my...
  2. Honest Raven

    Wi-Fi Trades LF Non-English 5iv Pokes for Masuda!

    Yesir it can! All my pokemon and shinies were bred/caught on my game. Unfortunately, I literally have all of your shinies except remoraid and Shellder with better natures and IVs that I've bred... I just keep those ones since they had what I was after you see... I am however, like you, and...
  3. Honest Raven

    Wi-Fi Trades LF Non-English 5iv Pokes for Masuda!

    Friend Code: 5215 - 0169 - 1324 Time Zone: U.S. Central Time Times Available: Mon-Thur: 5:00 pm - 1 am, Fri-Sun: Any time can be arranged. Haves: - Jolly Torchic (Speed Boost) 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Timid Gastly (Missing Disable on my stock, can fix if needed) - 31/x/31/31/31/31 - Jolly Kangaskhan...
  4. Honest Raven

    DNA, Have I really been spelling that wrong all this time? Ho embarrassing, but yes...

    DNA, Have I really been spelling that wrong all this time? Ho embarrassing, but yes...
  5. Honest Raven

    Wi-Fi Trades Ultimesk's MyPlayer Thread - H: 5IV French Pokémon for Masuda Method

    RE: Trading my 5 Perfect IV French Pokémon for Masuda Method @ Ultimesk I don't have any "Perfect" 5V Speed Boost females right now... but I have several "Imperfect" 5V, like 31/31/31/31/x/31 and such... I can try for one for a bit though if you like! Just that stupidly annoying 12% female...
  6. Honest Raven

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello! I'm Raven! I've been playing pokemon for literally as long as I can remember, and have no plans to stop any time soon! I'm 22 years old and am a certified biblophile!
  7. Honest Raven

    Wi-Fi Trades Ultimesk's MyPlayer Thread - H: 5IV French Pokémon for Masuda Method

    RE: Trading my 5 Perfect IV French Pokémon for Masuda Method Just signed up here for this thread :) I have: -many Jolly 5 iv speedboost/Blaze torchics. Only have one speed boost 5 iv female, but I have several 5 iv blaze females, so up to you. -Maybe for something really special a 4 iv female...