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  1. P

    Pokemon X and Y Anime Team Predictions

    I wanna see more evolutions on Ash's team this time. He will have a Talonflame for sure.I want him to have a Pancham and Litleo. They are perfect for him ^.^ I wanted him to catch a Chespin but unfortunately Clemont catched one... :( Oh and for Serena i see an Espurr/Meowstic
  2. P

    How Would You Like the Anime to End?

    RE: What would you like to see when the Pokémon anime finally ends? I want Ash to become the champion of a region,it doesn't matter which one...then to reunite with all of his old friends somehow... i don't know how but that's not my job :D
  3. P

    Pokemon Pokémon That Look Better Than Their Evolved Forms

    RE: Pokemon That Look Better Than Their Evolved Forms The Kalos Starters are the best example for pokemon that look a lot better than their evolved forms in my opinion. How can GF turn that cute Chespin into that ... thing... called Chesnaught. And the same with Fennekin...No comment!