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  1. O

    The Toxicroak Two-Step (Toxicroak EX/Dragalge)

    Yeah... You're probably right about sigilyph. And I never thought of computer search. That's probably a good idea. I'm mostly hesitant to run many colress because the way I usually play, my bench is rarely full, so in order to get a good refresh with him my opponent's has to be. But I'll try 2/2...
  2. O

    The Toxicroak Two-Step (Toxicroak EX/Dragalge)

    Thanks Kecleon <3 That's a good thing to consider. I might try that over Munna. I really dont like the risk of Munna's L/D Hypnosis. I'm liking the sound of revenge/poison jab though.
  3. O

    The Toxicroak Two-Step (Toxicroak EX/Dragalge)

    Thanks, Yeah, I hadn't thought about Virizion. That would be a tough win. Which Munna do you mean? And What are your thoughts on Hypno Toxics?
  4. O

    The Toxicroak Two-Step (Toxicroak EX/Dragalge)

    Experience: Intermediate Pokemon 3 Toxicroak EX Flashfire 3 Sigilyph LDT 66 4 Skrelp Flashfire 3 Dragalge Flashfire 2 Giratina PLS 62 2 Mr. Mime PLF 47 Trainers 4 Switch 4 Shauna 4 Ultra Ball 3 Virbank City 3 Professors Letter 3 Evosoda 3 N 2 Pokemon Catcher 2 Skyla 1...