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  1. W

    Three New OR/AS Trailers [10/28]

    Oh my gawd! Anyone saw the stars reflection and the abandoned ship in the background in the second trailer? Oh my gawd. I cannot wait to play!
  2. W

    ORAS Confirmed Mega Pokémon in OR/AS

    [split] New (Mega) Pokémon in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire: Your Hopes and Expectations Guys, is it a little odd there's only one Ice-type mega evolution? Not that I'm complaining, but I just realized something, Glacia is a Ice-type user. Her main Pokemon is obviously Walrein. And yet, there's...
  3. W

    ORAS OR/AS NPC Redesigns

    I absolutely love the redesigns. They are so cool! Winona and the Aroma Lady are clearly, the best. I love Wallace, he's such a fab, and Tate & Liza (You now can tell the difference between them). My favorite one is obviously the Diver trainer. Underwater battles? Yes please! Edit: Forgot to...
  4. W

    Mega Hoopa Uncovered in OR/AS Demo, Stats for Mega Evolutions [10/15]

    Me too! Shiny Mega Beedrill looks really cool as well.
  5. W

    Mega Hoopa Uncovered in OR/AS Demo, Stats for Mega Evolutions [10/15]

    Hard to see the pic, but at first glance, it looks like a digimon to me lol. Though, I'm curious, which demo did you got the info from? Europe, Japanese? I suppose it doesn't really matter but I'm just curious.
  6. W

    Pokemon What Is the Worst Gym Leader Design in Your Opinion?

    Crasher Wake is the worst design of all Gym Leaders. He literally screams Fighting-type Pokemon user and yet, he is a Water type user. Really odd. Everything about him is so odd. His outfit, his drunky song, his mask. God, I hate his mask. I was about to said Fantine is probably worse than Wake...
  7. W

    Mega Steelix, Mega Glalie, U.S. OR/AS Demo, and More! [10/14]

    My sympathies! Mega Glalie's typing is still the same. :D
  8. W

    Mega Steelix, Mega Glalie, U.S. OR/AS Demo, and More! [10/14]

    My god, what's up with those weirdo designs? Also, I'm not that happy with Mega Lati twins, not really impressed with them.
  9. W

    Mega Beedrill and Mega Pidgeot in 'CoroCoro' [10/9]

    Yay Pokemon Amie returns! <3 Let's hope it have new stuffs.
  10. W

    Mega Beedrill and Mega Pidgeot in 'CoroCoro' [10/9]

    Ditto! *finger crossed*
  11. W

    Mega Beedrill and Mega Pidgeot in 'CoroCoro' [10/9]

    OhmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohMYGOSH! That sounds exciting! I can't wait to experience it! (Though that might be very late in the game ><) Anyway, Mega Beedrill's really cool. Mega Pidgeot is such a joke. Pidgeot is really cool pokemon, I really loved it. The design of Mega Pidgeot is really cool...
  12. W

    Mega Rayquaza / New OR/AS Info in NicoNico Video Stream [10/2]

    Looks cool. It really sucks that OPed ability is only exclusive to Rayquaza. By the way, why is the wind black?
  13. W

    ORAS Super-Secret Bases! What Will Your Gym Be Like?

    Wind is my favorite element. I'm excited about creating Flying-type Gym, though it'd be odd to create a Flying-type Gym in a cave. Perhaps it is possible to get a super secret base with no ceiling, just the sky. That would be so cool!
  14. W

    New English ORAS Trailer [9/12]

    Omo. I really want that Kyogre 3DS. So pretty... PS: Team Aqua all the way!!
  15. W

    'CoroCoro' and 'Shonen Sunday' Leaks Reveal New Mega Pokémon and Downloadable Demo for OR/AS [9/9]

    Inner Focus? Really? Gallade, you poor thing--my sympathies. Also, the suspense regarding Rayquaza is killing me. Is it October yet? I know I shouldn't be surprised, but still I'm surprised about the arts of Mega Gallade (So fast!). Looks so cool!
  16. W

    'CoroCoro' and 'Shonen Sunday' Leaks Reveal New Mega Pokémon and Downloadable Demo for OR/AS [9/9]

    The more I looked at Mega Sharpedo, it reminds me of an anchor. I wonder if it is based on an anchor?
  17. W

    'CoroCoro' and 'Shonen Sunday' Leaks Reveal New Mega Pokémon and Downloadable Demo for OR/AS [9/9]

    Come on! I wanna see the new artwork of Winona and the others! >___< Also, Wally, yay! Mega Gallade, Mega YAY! Now, his typing and abilities still remains unknown... hmmm...
  18. W

    ORAS Overview Trailer! [9/3]

    Ahh! Did y'all saw that diving scene?! It looks so amazing! PS: 12 Quick Balls? Pass.
  19. W

    'New Nintendo 3DS' Models Announced [8/29]

    Oooh, I'm tempted to buy the blue one, but I need to wait to get more information on it.
  20. W

    ‘Pokken Tournament’ Announced! [8/26]

    Er, did you read the last comment. Some guy (part of the Pokken project) said no, its not limited to Fighting-type.