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  1. Arkhangel

    steffenka, Thanks so much, he is super fun!

    steffenka, Thanks so much, he is super fun!
  2. Arkhangel

    LLR, Thanks so much! I could use your safari if you need anything from mine :)

    LLR, Thanks so much! I could use your safari if you need anything from mine :)
  3. Arkhangel

    darkanine87, Let me know if you still need my Vullaby!

    darkanine87, Let me know if you still need my Vullaby!
  4. Arkhangel

    I'm also currently working on my Pokedex, I have the first 60 in Pokebank, gonna start on the...

    I'm also currently working on my Pokedex, I have the first 60 in Pokebank, gonna start on the next 30 tonight :)
  5. Arkhangel

    Hey guys sorry I have been away for a bit, New boy and all let me know if any of you need a...

    Hey guys sorry I have been away for a bit, New boy and all let me know if any of you need a friend add still and we can do so, private MSG me :)
  6. Arkhangel

    Introduce Yourself!

    New to the Pokemon Craze! So I just started playing with X and I have become completely addicted to the game! My son was just born so it makes for a perfect game to play as I can close and pause at any moment when he needs me. Going nuts collecting everything I can in X then I'll be breeding...
  7. Arkhangel

    Wi-Fi Trades Trading Pokémon for Ditto Safari!

    Friend Code: 1564-2965-5131 Looking for battles: No Time Zone: EST Times Available: M-F 7-12PM Weekends mixed bag Haves: Most X pokemon and Trade only versions, also have Dark Safari with Vullaby, Sneasel and Inky Torchic Zapdos Services Offered: Wants: I need access to a ditto...
  8. Arkhangel

    Pokemon What's Your Favorite Pokémon and Why?

    RE: What's Your Favorite Pokemon and Why? I can't stop using my Pangaro. He is like a giant warrior Panda :P
  9. Arkhangel

    XY Do You Care to Complete the Pokédex?

    I actually quite enjoy working on the Pokedex, I'm new to the games but it seems like that is becoming my main focus at the moment :)