Search results

  1. N

    Primal Volcano (Groudon EX / Landorus / Hawlucha)

    Yeah I was thinking about taking out a stadium, but the 3-2 line up or groudon hasn't been bad still play testing with the deck.
  2. N

    Primal Volcano (Groudon EX/landorus/Hawlucha)

    Pokemon: Pokémon (12): 2 P Groundon EX 3 Groundon EX 1 Landorus EX 1 Jirachi EX 2 Hawlucha 3 Landorus Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: Trainers (36): 1 Lysandre's Trump Card 4 Professor Sycamore 3 Korrina 2 Lysandre 3 N 1 Teammate 1 Colress 3 Groundon Spirit Link...
  3. N

    Primal Volcano (Groudon EX / Landorus / Hawlucha)

    Pokemon: Pokémon (12): 2 Primal Groundon EX 3 Groundon EX 1 Landorus EX 1 Jirachi EX 2 Hawlucha 3 Landorus Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: Trainers (36): 1 Lysandre's Trump Card 4 Professor Sycamore 3 Korrina 2 Lysandre 3 N 1 Teammates 1 Colress 3 Groundon Spirit...