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  1. D

    Lagoon of Madness! (Blastoise EX / Feraligatr / Walrein / Dusclops)

    RE: Returning Theme Combo Deck. Lagoon of Madness! What about considering my current cards? I would love to be able to build up on Fairy and Xerneas, but that is not really feasible for me at the moment. I could switch focus and eliminate the Psychic portion of the deck, building up 2-2...
  2. D

    Lagoon of Madness! (Blastoise EX / Feraligatr / Walrein / Dusclops)

    RE: Returning Theme Combo Deck. Lagoon of Madness! I figured as much. Essentially I have combined 2 theme decks which doesn't give me much on the way of resources. I have more trainers, but not much in the way of variety. Crushing Hammer, Roller Skates, Muscle Band, Poké Ball, Potion...
  3. D

    Lagoon of Madness! (Blastoise EX / Feraligatr / Walrein / Dusclops)

    Pokemon: 1- Blastoise EX XY30 Promo 3- Totodile PF15 2- Croconaw PF16 1- Feraligatr PF17 3- Spheal FF24 2- Sealeo FF25 1- Walrein FF26 2- Espurr FF42 2- Meowstic FF43 2- Duskull FF38 2- Dusclops FF39 2- Sentret FF81 1- Furret FF82 2- Miltank FF83 1- Girafarig PF82 Total 27...