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  1. TurtleLove

    Snorlax from XY10 'Awakening of the Psychic Kings'

    It looks like in the bottom left corner is a Hypno maybe using dream eater or Hypnosis Snorlax. The 3 dudes are running away in fear and the chick is like, "Hey this is crazy, I better post it on Poké-gram!"
  2. TurtleLove

    'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

    Hmm, as it stands right now this seems pretty lackluster. Maybe some more cards will come out that will help this card be decent. Unfortunately, this format will not let this card be good atm. I really like Xerneas and I don't want to see it become a garbage filler card like 60% of each set is.
  3. TurtleLove

    Standard Yanmega / Eevolutions

    I don't think you can waste an energy attachment on your eevees to evolve them. I would just evolve them normally. Use all fire energies for the basics and use a blacksmith engine. His attack cost is colorless anyways. -2 lightning -2 water -1 grass -1 retrieval -1 letter -1 trainers mail +4...
  4. TurtleLove

    Expanded Format for Entirety of Houston's Regionals... Expanded Expanding?

    This is the worst news ever. What is the point in even having a rotation?! This is just going to become just as bad as MTG. The rotation helps keep the format fresh and clean. Now its just going to be stale and lame. Way to go!