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  1. T

    News Pokémon Changing How Reprints Are Printed, Likely No 'Best of XY' Set

    These are basically promo cards in all but name, right? How do we know this is how they'll treat actual reprints in actual sets too?
  2. T

    Server Admins - PokeBeach Needs Yo Help!

    Um, nobody's assuming it's a hack. The closest to that is the third post, which is just a general warning not to share too many server details publically. Any other post that's mentioned hackers has done so to explain why it's not a hack. Because it's not a hack. Aside from that, yeah, there's...
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    Server Admins - PokeBeach Needs Yo Help!

    A hacker wouldn't go for the membership money. Good hackers rarely steal actual money, they prefer to steal data to sell for money or use the server as a bot. Stealing actual money breaks quite a few laws "regular" hacking doesn't, and attracts the interest of the police to a much greater...
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    Server Admins - PokeBeach Needs Yo Help!

    Web developer here. There's actually very little information in the post at all. Aside from Twig, all the programs mentioned are incredibly common for running web servers, and Twig is just a templating system - it doesn't go deep enough to have any bugs that can affect the server. Any competent...