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  1. D

    Writing Hoenn's Legacy

    I would like to help with the sequel Kam92193, please.
  2. D

    Writing Hoenn's Legacy

    man Kam I relly hope you can get someone to make a banner for this story.
  3. D

    Writing Hoenn's Legacy

    you did what they did in season 1 sort of except used two birds and a fire type to keep the balloon lite. awesome I hope Chapter 4 is just as good.
  4. D

    Writing Hoenn's Legacy

    Where's Chapter 3 dude it's like the end of the week right now.
  5. D

    Writing Hoenn's Legacy

    I really would like to read chapter 3. I really hope you make sequels Kam92193
  6. D

    Writing Hoenn's Legacy

    Wow Rocky won the match Ash lost just like he did in the anime. I like how you make Meowth talk though it's quite funny.
  7. D

    Writing Hoenn's Legacy

    Man I'm hyped up about who wins between Ash and Rocky. i really hope this story starts to get good though.