well actually honestly if you throw this down in a single prize deck when your opponent only has 1 prize then you can attack for free. also does this work with crisis punch?
this in combination with that new future supporter allows you to choose literally any 2 pokemon in the game to put on the top of the deck and dump them onto the board
for turbo decks that can get this turn 1 like roaring moon, a spicy tech would be to add a few poffin and a ditto or 2 from 151 to tutor themselves out for your combo pieces like squackabilly ex or roaring moon. its also good for morpeko.
I'm excited to maybe throw in a 1-of walking wake into my roaring moon deck. im already running water energies for greninja, might as well give them more targets. plus the attack isnt half bad if you run a brute bonnet package to poison. 240 is a good number. nothing can really stop that turn 1...