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  1. P

    Writing Lost Memories

    Thanks ^.^ When I posted this I was hoping for some feed back...
  2. P

    Writing Lost Memories

    Here is a Naruto Fic I'm working on, I hope you like it^.^ Prologue ‘ I will have him in just one more move.’ I thought to myself, grateful that my friend had taught me the true beauty of Taijutsu. Swinging my foot around, I placed myself in the ideal position. ‘Thank god, Gai helped...
  3. P

    Lt. Riza Hawkeye

    (United States) This is my ref thread. My Trade Thread
  4. P

    Come here for username changes.

    Can you please change my user name to Peach-Twilight
  5. P

    Ruling Legal Trainers

    Cool, thanks... Now I know XD
  6. P

    Ruling Misunderstandings and Mistakes.

    I've seen it done before and It always confused me. Can you use the poke body of a pokemon on you bench?
  7. P

    How often do you get a pack of cards?

    I get a new pack when ever I have a few extra bucks to bust. Since I don't make much money on my allowance I usually just let my little brother buy the new packs and then I mooch off of his cards. XD
  8. P

    Whats better? Old or new pokemon cards

    I say old cards because most of their pokepowers are better and that means they combo better. (my definition of old are all cards not legal... including those becoming illegal in September) I also think that the older trainers are better than the new ones. I can only hope they reprint Professor...
  9. P

    Ruling Legal Trainers

    I've heard a rumor going around that the trainers from Dragon Frontiers are going out this coming September... this may be a stupid question but, (I'm pretty new to the game so I'm sure you'll all be helpful... right?) do trainers ever become illegal at battle roads tournaments because if my...
  10. P

    Little kids that don't know how to play....

    RE: Little kids that don't know how to play.... My brother hosted a mini Pokemon party/tournament with his friends and he asked me to play with some of his friends. So he paired me up with this kid who had no idea that it takes energy to play an attack. My best friend and I spent the whole game...