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    M Sceptile-EX Variants

    What are some good additions to this deck to fill out the 11 open slots? Shaymin EX is the obvious choice as it seems to fit in everything, but i've also seen discussions of Malamar EX to abuse his ability to put things to sleep. As well as this I've seen talk of Lugia EX or Hoopa EX as...

    New Player: What to Buy?

    Okay thank you. I think I'll grab a Battle Arena Box, some sleeves and a Phantom Forces booster box. I know it's not a good way to spend but it will give us tons of cards to mess around with, trades for specific decks and also boosters are just so fun to crack!

    New Player: What to Buy?

    Thanks for the replies guys really helpful. My girlfriend also wants to get into the game so I need to work out what is best to buy so we can start and play together. I would eventually like to make a competitive Gengar deck as he's my favorite Pokemon, what purchases would help with this?

    New Player: What to Buy?

    As the title suggest I am a new player that is after some advice to starting the tcg. I've been looking at various products online and it gets very confusing as there are so many of them. Also the looming rotation makes the choices even more difficult. What would you guys suggest as the best...