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  1. Gallade is PSYCHO

    Pokemon you hope are in Legends Awakened

    just go here: all of these are in it
  2. Gallade is PSYCHO

    Which Lv.X is the hardest to pull in MD

    porygon-z is the easiest - my friend got it at the prerelease garchomp = evilly concealed - my friend has like every card in dp sets except for garchomp LV. X
  3. Gallade is PSYCHO

    Cards you hate/love

    dunsparce is useless - why did they even create it! it sucks!
  4. Gallade is PSYCHO

    What card would you like to see as a lv.x

    gallade Lv. X scizor Lv. X flygon Lv.X hippowdon lv. X (don't ask me why they're all fighting) I heard a rumor about bastiodon and rampardos being Lv.X's a while ago, somewhere around right before secret wonders to right after great encounters ? I don't know