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  1. swapforce1

    News First 'The Best of XY' News, Reprinted Cards

    Okay I’m in glee. Trev break is confirmed! I knew that sense Night March was confirmed we needed the Police Tree to keep it in check but it’s nice to get confirmation. But the question on my mind is : Are they going to reprint the XY item lock police tree or the Breakpoint wannabe? The rayquaza...
  2. swapforce1

    Expanded Trevtina ( Trev/Espeon GX/Giratina )

    I have a 3-3-2 line because i wanted to try out the giratina and space was challenging. It was also supposed to be a lock tool box. Im not exactly updated on decks with SM cards ( at all ) so i really didn't know. It also can still lock other things tho. The 1-1 espeon line was because espeon...
  3. swapforce1

    Trades [CA] In search of Espeon GX FA Near Mint

    Does anyone have Espeon GX FA Near mint condition? Because I pulled a Umbreon GX FA mint and i really want Espey. ( I would prefer to NOT trade the umbreon because its for a friend but if i have too I will. ) I would prefer to trade from canada but if you pay Shipping then i will take it...
  4. swapforce1

    Expanded Trevtina ( Trev/Espeon GX/Giratina )

    Pokemon 15 3x Phantump 3x Trevenant 2x Trev BREAK 1x Eevee 1x Espeon GX 1x Wobbefett 2x Giratina EX 2x Shaymin EX Trainers 31 3x Wally 4x Dimension valley 2x Crushing Hammer 4x Ultra ball 4x Vs seeker 4x Max elixer 3x Trainers Mail 1x Ninja Boy 3x N 2x Professor Sycamore...
  5. swapforce1

    News 'Islands Waiting for You' and 'Moonlight of Alola': Japan's Next Sun and Moon TCG Set!

    My pokemon team on 3ds : Espeon , Sylveon , Flygon , Metagross , Gardevoir and Gallade. I was literally thinking : please can Pokemon make a Metagross GX FA card? And maybe flygon? Pokemon GX are based off of Z moves and ANY pokemon can have a Z move. So any Pokemon can have a GX card. 1 week...
  6. swapforce1

    News 'Sun and Moon Strengthening Expansion Pack'

    All we need now is FA Vs seeker , Battle compressor , enhanced hammer and DDE for me to be happy……… and the money to afford it ...
  7. swapforce1

    News 'Sun and Moon Strengthening Expansion Pack'

    The Oricio is broken. There is a reason why Hoopa was an EX and only searched out EX pokemon. And with Lurantis Grass toolbox confirmed EDIT : i thought it said basic POKEMON
  8. swapforce1

    Expanded Delphox BREAK

    1- Good idea a super rod is pretty good but what to take out 2- hmm 3-1 shure makes sense 3- i complety forgot about that card , whoops!! 4- i was considering it but i dropped it because i didn't think it was nessasary because the xy Delphox has the same attack 5- meh you will discard alot...
  9. swapforce1

    Expanded Delphox BREAK

    I haven't seen a single Delphox BREAK list anywhere and i think its actually pretty decent so why not write one myself . Pokemon 14 4x Fennekin ( evolve ) 2x Braixen ( evolve in case of no rare candy ) 4x Delphox ( XY base for attack and draw ability) 2x Delphox Break ( Ability to power up...
  10. swapforce1

    News 'Roaring Skies' Getting Another Print Run!

    Im pretty shure that in roaring skies the EX ratio is 1 in 8 packs. i wonder if instead of an ex being thunderus or gallade there will be more shaymins and Rays? ( i mean more shaymins printed ) Im personaly worried that roaring skies will sell out before i can get to them!
  11. swapforce1

    In Search Of [CA] Looking for some cards for some decks

    Im trying to make a couple decks first what i need - Garitini EX ( ancient origins ) x1 - Darkrai EX ( Breakpiont ) x2 - Hoopa EX ( ancient origins ) x1 - Garbodor ( Breakpoint) x2 - Shaymin EX ( roaring skies ) x2 Double Dragon Energy x2 Fighting fury belt x1 i will update as more come what...
  12. swapforce1

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    The sun and moon waifu is finally revealed. I'm using it even though it's a glorified Bianca. It's the one of tech i need. It sucks that it's even worse in trev where you would want to wally first turn. But this cutie must be in a deck of mine.
  13. swapforce1

    Article Competitive Guide to Pokemon TCG

    You said you're new right? I’m gonna help you understand the format and the competitive scene. First of all decks look kinda like this 10 pokemon 10 energy 40 Trainers ( around ). You normally build a deck around just one pokemon. And there are certain pokemon that are good i will list those in...
  14. swapforce1

    Alt. Format SolGonite (contains S&M spoilers)

    This is Great! For evolving i suggest Wally.
  15. swapforce1

    In Search Of [Canada] W: Shaymin-EX

    Okay Like everyone in the Planet and their Grandma i need 2 shaymins for my deck. ( i won’t say what i play because people hate the deck i play ). Now i don't have money to spare but if i have to i could pay max 10.00 CAN. so unfortunately i only have cards to trade. i live in canada but as long...
  16. swapforce1

    What is the best way to practice new decks for Pokemon?

    Personaly i think that TCGone is pretty bad compared to Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist network. In Dueling Network you can make you're own decks with all cards in the game. Don't get me wrong i love pokemons Competitive play. It's very easy to get into ( what controlled the format Night march , bulld night...
  17. swapforce1

    News Giratina 'Pokemon Card Gym' Promo!

    More ways to get roaring skies packs ….. If the Ancient origins was a Phantom forces that would be the perfect sets to get into competitive. Roaring skies - Shaymin , Rays , Mega Turbo , Trainers Mail and wally Primal clash - Wailord , Groudon , Archie , Maxie , Rare candy , rough seas , acro...
  18. swapforce1

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    DANG the energy cost ruins these cards if venoshock was one Psychic energy it might have seen play and in expanded you could troll with a poison deck. And bruxish second attack was one colorless. It might have been good.
  19. swapforce1

    News 'Islands Waiting for You' and 'Moonlight of Alola': Japan's Next Sun and Moon TCG Set!

    Wait…. Mimikyu is on the pack art. Mimikyu GX PLEASE Pokemon PLEASE!
  20. swapforce1

    Curent sun and moon team

    Curent sun and moon team