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  1. WhiteKrow

    Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

    Breaks that evolve from Stage 2s like Chestnaught and Greninja typically have more than 140 hp, so I don't think Omanyte becoming Basic is impossible; its hp would make more sense then, though its ability is strong. Here's to hoping!
  2. WhiteKrow

    Snorlax from XY10 'Awakening of the Psychic Kings'

    Goodnight, Pokemon Moon, And Twisted Spoon, Goodnight Miltank jumping over the moon, Goodnight friends, With Hypno around, good nights end. So, is Snorlax good? Who knows, Maybe, Either way, it's Goodnight Babies.
  3. WhiteKrow

    Gym Leader Battle (Alternate Format Idea)

    Hi all, I'm relatively new to the TCG and would like to know if anyone would be interested in working with me to build on, test, and play an idea for a new "casual" format for the PTCG which I have named the Gym Leader Battle format (name is subject to change). I didn't see a particular forum...