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  1. lamiest

    Mega Garchomp-EX and Mega Salamence-EX Premium Collections in November!

    Not going to lie, I'm still pretty frustrated that pinsir, medicham, banette, abomasnow, pigeot, sableye, sharpedo, camerupt, latias, and lopunny haven't gotten a mega print, and blastoise, venasaur, and charizard are getting a third print. Makes me think SuMo won't have megas and they're saving...
  2. lamiest

    Ruling Lucario EX : Corkscrew Smash

    Hello, If one uses Corkscrew Smash to know out a Pokemon, is the Prize Card taken before or after you would draw the cards? Corkscrew Smash - 60 You may draw cards until you have 6 cards in your hand.