I don’t like this art at all, looks too much like ai. I really hope it’s not actually ai, that would be a problem for tcg if artists start using ai to do artwork
They did in 2019 lol. It was a promo when Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution came out in Japan. Why would they release it third time? Especially only 3 years apart from last re-release.
Lugia V and V star look amazing,I think i even like V star more. I’m so happy that unown are getting ultra rare cards and i like how they choose unown v for a V card.
As a collector i love everything about this. ex and EX are my favorite ultra rares (along with lvl. X) and these new ex cards look just prefect. I love how they are not almost full arts like GX and V cards and i also love how cards are just enough transparent where attacks are so you can see...