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    Standard Spiritomb/Spikemuth

    Great ball and Crobat make more sense together if you are going that route. For ADP I would look into hammers to slow the GX attack down but that's iffy considering most people will wait to attach the water. Yes Obstagoon could work but if you did that I would include the Coms so you can search...
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    Standard Spiritomb/Spikemuth

    Okay I like it, you really have to think about your turn one. If you don't get 2-3 ST on the bench it's going to be very hard for you to win. Just relying on QB and natural draw isn't good enough to do that IMO. I'd include 3-4 Coms if you feel your hand has a bunch of pokemon that arn't STin...
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    Tournament West Coast (PST) Friendly Online Tournaments?

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if there are any weekly tournaments of any size that are more WC time friendly. I notice many start earlier in the day or super early in mornings. Basically looking for a consistent tournament to play in after 5pm on the weekdays. Thanks!
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    Standard Dark Zoroark Toolbox

    I like it man, it's a tad bit awkward having Zoroark and Elixirs together but still very good. I would include 2 level balls to help get consistent Zoruas on your bench Turn 1. -1 Ninja Boy ( 1 should be fine considering this isn't crucial to your strategy as you have plenty of Zoroarks and...
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    Discussion Viability of Greninja (XY-P)

    Not a terrible one of actually, after a 80 hit w BKP Greninja you can snipe the last 20 with XYP against a Garbodor. I'd include it for sure. The card hurts the general strategy more than it helps though, Retreat Cost and less damage over all.
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    Standard Xerneas BREAK/Giratina w/Mew

    Not totally necessary, pretty much to replace your Mew to have another attacker. Also helps you have more Giratinas in case one is prized. That card could be something else if you want.
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    Standard Xerneas BREAK/Giratina w/Mew

    Hi there, First off Mew in this deck is a little awkward because Giratina essentially does much better against Mewtwo. -1 Ninja Boy , 1 is enough it's not a central part of the deck strategy but good enough to include. -1 Max Elixir (Geomancy thins out energy) -1 Mew-EX ( Not needed, too...
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    Volcanion and Volcanion EX

    Dive ball would be great here, 8 of your Pokemon are Water. Of course there are more streamlined versions of this deck that run Hoopa, Shaymins etc. But if you're set on the Octillarys throw some Dballz in there.
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    P!P/Rules Championship Points, Regionals Prizes, European International Championships, and Worlds Invite Info!

    Do Play! Points mean anything? I know last year you needed them to attend Nationals I think.
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    Standard Glaceon/Jolteon/Mew for Regionals

    I love this deck! It's one of those decks that seems very odd on paper but deck experience and player skill can really make or break this deck, it has potential. However it does appear very inconsistent and you may have alot of dead hands with that many pokemon. I think the pokepuff tech is...
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    Standard Mega ShrimpAliens *Mega Gyrados*

    List looks good however, with that many Ex's a Hoopa makes sense, or you can put a couple dive balls in there. I don't it's necessary but it would help get specific pokemon a little better. Mega Shrimp is a very unexplored card, 240 HP is nothing to ignore w/Rough Seas. It may be hard to get...
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    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    biggest card this set Revive-Chain Klefkli, Chain Unknown, Mew synergy etc Discard Volcanians and revive them Possibilties are endless
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    Is Yveltal Ex/Zoroark Break viable in new format?

    Zoroark is in a rough spot but the Break is interesting, I'd at least test is thoroughly before cutting. It might increase your chances of getting max elixers on good bench targets (Stand in>Max Elixir ) and you can even make some sick plays Stand In retreating to Umbreon/BKT etc. Try it out...
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    Is Yveltal Ex/Zoroark Break viable in new format?

    Ninja boy is a must in any Mew/Yveltal DCE Deck. Too much potential. I don't see the use for Oblivion Wing this format, it's too inconsistent you want to start with BKT 99 percent of the time. Increase those chances, increase the count for Ninja boy plays. Pokepuff is pretty useless this...
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    Blog Iron Crushing the Format: An In-Depth Mega Scizor Review

    Magearna is definitely interesting however, what effects are you particularly worried about that Magearna would stop? I think Ranger is the real tech in the deck, it stops Early Giratinas from hindering Spirit Links. Magearna would be interesting to stop Bench Damage from BKT Yveltals but...
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    Is Yveltal Ex/Zoroark Break viable in new format?

    I'm going to have to agree, Good players have good bench management won't leave up easy shaymins and overextend alot. Garbodor is a big problem as has been mentioned a million times, The whole prize trade thing doesn't work well on mega decks that have Pokemon Center Lady. The Megas inherently...
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    Yveltal-EX Variants

    Tell you what, Fairy decks with Assault Vest are a pain in the rear. I played vs a FairyTina Garbodor with it, and it was pretty rough.
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    Is Yveltal Ex/Zoroark Break viable in new format?

    I have tried very hard to make Quad zoroark work well, It definitely has issues as you mentioned as it can't 2THKO Mega's or FFB High HP Ex's reliably, However Zoroark is a better Clean up attacker than main attacker IMO. Some Tips vs M Mewtwo/ Garbodor that have helped me -Prize trading is...
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    Standard Speed Zygarde

    Ninja boy seems like it would be amazing with deck, being able to Ninja into a Power memory or a Carbink/ Weavile/ Regirock etc could really help you especially when Regirock is stuck in the active. weavile helps moving around float stones , I see that, but it perhaps adding an olympia to have...
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    Alt. Format PRC-On Zygarde Anti-Meta

    How has this deck been working out for you?