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  1. Eteluxen

    Wi-Fi Trades 6 IV Ditto Giveaway!

    thx u very much!
  2. Eteluxen

    Wi-Fi Trades 6 IV Ditto Giveaway!

    hm my Abomasnow should still be up, but i set the level of the ditto to 91+ i can change it back if this is a problem
  3. Eteluxen

    Wi-Fi Trades 6 IV Ditto Giveaway!

    Edit: Deposited: Abomasnow lvl 40 Nature: doesnt matter IGN: Etelux Msg: Yakkov thx u!
  4. Eteluxen

    Wi-Fi Trades 6 IV Ditto Giveaway!

    Sorry forgot to add that. Modest would be nice edit: i got snipped. new update pokemon is Lombre lv 34 ign etelux msg yakkov
  5. Eteluxen

    Wi-Fi Trades 6 IV Ditto Giveaway!

    Deposited: floette lv 55 My IGN: Etelux Msg: Yakkov
  6. Eteluxen

    Wi-Fi Trades 6 IV Ditto Giveaway!

    Got it, thank you :D
  7. Eteluxen

    Wi-Fi Trades 6 IV Ditto Giveaway!

    thats ok, but if you dont have one, it can be any other nature. thank youu
  8. Eteluxen

    Wi-Fi Trades 6 IV Ditto Giveaway!

    Heyho, if you still have any left I would really like a 6 IV ditto if possible with one of these natures: hardy, docile ,bashful , quirky, serious Deposited: Ditto lv 51 My IGN: Etelux Msg: Yakkov I set the lvl to 91+ and i can turn it off if it isnt possible And thank you very much for this.