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  1. maylene365

    Platinum angels

    Ok, I meant by the poke power to ignore the instuctions saying,"If pokemon moon is knocked out, have your opponent flip two coins. For each heads, they draw one prize card." This is a reason why I 'overpower' it. Thanks for the help!!! I'll get the other cards up soon.
  2. maylene365

    Platinum angels

    Hey, I made this mini set of three cards... They are called angel pokemon. I hope you like them, feel free to comment;after all, I just started making these and I need all the help I can get.
  3. maylene365

    Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [CLOSED] for a long time!

    RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS! Hey.... are you guys working on my banner???? If not; I want: What you want [X] Banner [ ] Avatar [ ] Other: Images » The Pixie lv. x pictures (NO attacks, just the top half) and The animation pic. from...
  4. maylene365

    Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [CLOSED] for a long time!

    RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS! You guys are THE best! Can you make me an animated maylene banner? (SAME COLOR AS MY USERBAR PLEASE.) THANKS!!!!!
  5. maylene365

    Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

    Granted.... But now Hannah Montana is the only thing on.... EVER! I wish I had a Dog
  6. maylene365

    Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [CLOSED] for a long time!

    RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS! Hey, May I Please have a userbar? Text: Maylene365 color: various purples, picture: The lake trio. THANK YOU!!!!!!!
  7. maylene365

    Good old pokerap...

    Make your own D/P pokerap ( to the same tune of course) Ex:Instead of "omonyte,slowpoke...mewtwo tentacruel aerodacle!" It's " Mesprit, uxie...bidoof crainidos and arceus!" Kind of lame.. but it works.
  8. maylene365

    make a morph! morph pokemon to your heart's desire

    Wait... land form??? that's akward.
  9. maylene365

    make a morph! morph pokemon to your heart's desire

    Ok... This is simple. To "Morph" a pokemon, you simply change its name and appearance. Ex: Shibarrinx ( shinx/ bibarrel) Shibarrinx has a shinx head, bibarrel teeth, shinx legs and tail, and bibarrel body.
  10. maylene365

    rate my banner

    As the name suggests, all you have to do is rate the person above you's banner. I deleyed the Caterpie thread, for all who care.:P
  11. maylene365


    :P This is an Easy game in which one person is the seeker and the others are hiders. The Hiders "hide" anywhere on the website. (like in the general Pokemon disscution forum) YOU MAY NOT GO OUT OF THE FORUMS!!!!! You can drop anytime AFTER a round.The first poster is the one in charge of...
  12. maylene365

    Rate the Profile Above You Game. NO SWEARING AND BE NICE

    RE: "Rate The Persons Above you's profile" Game 10/10 Cool
  13. maylene365

    The Corrupted Pokemon Thread

    Sorry For my lame caterpie tread. I was Bored and I just wanted to make a thread. Apoligies said... Let's start! The name of this game is to corrupt a pokemon.( Even its Pokedex entry) For example: Shix turns into swhinx. It is water type and its head is flipped upside down like a...
  14. maylene365


    Ok everyone... RELEASE YOUR INNER CATERPIE!!!!!! List all the resons you love caterpie, make caterpie noises, talk like a caterpie... Etc. GO CATERPIE CRAZY!!
  15. maylene365

    A little Help Here....?

    Hey Thanks!!!!! I'll try that.
  16. maylene365

    A little Help Here....?

    Hey, My Avatar won't load. Can any one help me? Here's the website I found it on: . I seached Maylene, and uploaded the aime picture. I resized it on Microsoft Picture It! (put a boarder and a catchprase). It won't Load because it's too big. How do I resize it and get...
  17. maylene365

    NEW GAME!!! Lamest Gym Leader

    LAME!!!! Magicarp!!!! HA. Anyone think of Feebas??
  18. maylene365

    NEW GAME!!! Lamest Gym Leader

    OK Everyone! The object of this game is to Create the lamest gym leader you can Imagine.It has to have at least four Pokemon, Please list the levels. GO!!!!
  19. maylene365

    Liar Liar Pants on FIRE

    ::D:P:I'm a boy who's favorite pokemon is Weedle because it's so strong; and who absolutly HATES Mesprit!!!!!
  20. maylene365

    Best games ever: part 2 (4,5 Generations)

    Zelda Ocarina is the best because It has an awesome storyline and good wepons. I don't know about you but I think that is enough to convince me into getting a game