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  1. F

    News Massive Update for 'Pokémon GO' Announced!

    So glad for this :) Should breathe some life back into the game.
  2. F

    Event PokeBeach's June 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    lol thanks, I was about to post too. gg man. That's a great build. @PMJ I'd like to drop please.
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    Event PokeBeach's June 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Round 2: @Fapasaurus_Rex1291 Vs @Jonnysniper = @Fapasaurus_Rex1291 Win 2-1 Well played dude. Incredibly close mirror. Best of luck in the rest of the tourney.
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    Event PokeBeach's June 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    @TorchHG Vs @Fapasaurus_Rex1291 @TorchHG Wins 2-0. Best of luck for the rest of the run bud!
  5. F

    Standard Chesnaught/Lurantis

    I forgot Chestnaught even existed, which is a shame, because it was one of my favorite cards when I first started playing last year. I would love to give this a go myself, but I'd make some changes. I'd drop virizion because Lurantis is already a solid one energy attacker if you have some...
  6. F

    Event PokeBeach's June 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Are you a PokeBeach premium member? Yes What is your PTCGO screen name (the name you battle with, not the name you log in with)? Fapasaurus_Rex What timezone do you live in? (If you don’t know what timezone you live in, use a World Clock to find out.) EST (NYC) Did you play in May’s tournament...
  7. F

    Standard Should I tech E-hammers into M blastoise?

    Thanks for responding! I'm very tempted by your supporter idea. It's true, most games I do end up losing supporters to a sycamore discard, but I'm also very worried that cutting lysandre and only have 1 could be trouble in the event it gets prized. The N I think is a much more reasonable cut...
  8. F

    Standard Should I tech E-hammers into M blastoise?

    This list has been working pretty well for me, but like anyone else, I lose to a quickly set up Mewtwo/Darktina/"This attack does X times the number of energy blah blah blah" I feel like the answer is to tech is some enhanced hammers, but I'm not sure how to make it work with my list. My...
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    Gengar/Talonflame Deck Build Help

    I agree with the above poster that if you want to run Talonflame you should drop the hoopa's. I know it's an evolution, but I would consider throwing in a 2-2 galvantula line for the double thread. What would probably be an alternate solution might be throwing in a team magma base or 2. Less...
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    Mega Blastoise - Does He Show Any Potential in the Current Meta?

    I've been prepping one for league that's been doing great online. Surprisingly my variant does rather well against giratina but crumbles to quickly set up Rainbow road/M rayquaza decks. It has a major focus on healing/energy accel/switching. Here's my list. Pokemon-10 Hoopa-1 Shaymin-1...