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  1. C

    Standard Rock Solid (Marowak BREAK / Machamp BREAK)

    Thanks for the feedback everyone! To be honest I made this "deck" with what cards I had started with within my first week of playing and built on from there. Now I've changed it to be a carbink/machamp break deck and its working out pretty nicely. I know it had no consistency but it was just...
  2. C

    Standard Rock Solid (Marowak BREAK / Machamp BREAK)

    So my biggest problem is speed and getting the cards I need first. Plus it's hard to stop greninja when i run out of N's. Any suggestions? I've won about 80% of matches online but lose mostly to greninja. POKEMON (15) 1 talonflame (steam seige) 1 cubone (breakthrough) 1 marowak (breakthrough) 1...