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  1. Laurier_Ex

    ‘Crown Zenith’ is the Final Set for PTCGO

    I totally regret migrating to his crappy live version and I cannot go backwards. I cannot even play expanded on PTCG live. I think this is where I just quit playing PTCG as a whole.
  2. Laurier_Ex

    “Cyclizar ex Box” in May!

    Scarlet and Violet cards basically just good to start a fire.
  3. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Shaymin VStar deck?

    Yes but as you said it is a bit tight. I worked on the idea and there are other ways than Shaymin V to make this work. Moltres EVS as well as Dubwool V both profit in the same way from the idea of bolstering the damage from additional prizing. Both of them are basic and allow more easily...
  4. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Ninja Boy Brillant Stars

    I definitely considered Raihan but I did not experiment with it as of yet. I would need to give it a try. I can definitely see it working but with the proper basic energy type and pokémon to use it with. Right now, Galarian Moltres V makes Darkness energy the best basic energy to focus on given...
  5. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Ninja Box - Lost Origin

    Tired of playing the same meta decks over and over again? Looking for a competitive deck that is ultra versatile and will remain viable after every expansion with very little maintenance? Search no more because the Ninja Box mechanic is the way to go. While people will obviously have doubt...
  6. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Shaymin VStar deck?

    This is my first take. Starting with Arceus VStar (ideally going second) you can start by attacking for 200dmg without Choice band and start accelerating some energy. On the first turn you have the opportunity to use Wally and search for Triple energy for very quick setup and damage. Then trying...
  7. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Shaymin VStar deck?

    I saw a very nice synergy between Xurkitree Gx and Shaymin VStar in the expanded format and I was looking for deck building ideas centered around the concept. Xurkitree's Gx attack adds a card from the opponents hand to their prize card bringing the prize card count to 7 and effectively boosting...
  8. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Ninja Boy Brillant Stars

    After testing further with Brillant Stars, I needed to take some time to talk about two of the most impactful pokemons that were added to the current meta: Arceus VStar and Duraludon Vmax. At first glance it seems that Duraludon Vmax is a major problem for Ninja Box. Not only is it immune to...
  9. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Ninja Boy Brillant Stars

    Got back into PTCGO recently and I wanted to share with everyone this updated version of my toolbox creation. This deck never gets old. You just need to include and tweak a few cards to follow the meta which is just one major pro for playing the deck. So after tweaking the deck for a week or so...
  10. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Ninja Box 2.0

    Stall does not get better than this. The deck contains all the tricks you need to go toe to toe with the best decks in the format. ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ****** ##Pokémon - 20 * 1 Tauros-GX SUM 156 * 2 Crobat V DAA 182 * 1 Galarian Moltres V CRE 177 * 1 Comfey GRI 93 * 1...
  11. Laurier_Ex

    Oranguru, Shaymin-EX, Sableye, and Energy Grace Milotic Banned in the Expanded Format!

    Removing Oranguru and Sableye but not removing Bunnelby keeps infinite loops still. They got rid of donk and Trevnoir so the format will be down to Adpz and a few other. Really not was I was hoping for.
  12. Laurier_Ex

    Help Expanded Format Deck Help

    Good Mew3 decks I encountered were currently carrying Shaymin/Scoop Up. Speed is all that Mew3 has in this matchup against UltraNecrozma, else it is a bad matchup. Stating it auto-looses in a format where you can go through more than half of your deck in a single turn is talking lightly but...
  13. Laurier_Ex

    Help Expanded Format Deck Help

    Correct me if I’m wrong but the only thing that keeps you going against a Garb or Muk deck is Stealthy Hood apart from Field Blower against Garb. How does the deck beat UltraNecrozma? Personally, I’m my Ninja deck I use Wobbuffet V and Silver spoon. Unless they shut down abilities very quickly I...
  14. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded Mewtwo&Mew

    Against Honchkrow, you need to use Pokémon that don’t rely on abilities to attach energy. Think about Jirachi-GX or Shining Mew. But you still need to attach an energy before they get going. Or Wobbuffet in the active if they don’t have Silent lab on. But those are not very reliable strategies...
  15. Laurier_Ex

    Help Expanded Format Deck Help

    I play a Ninja Boy deck that use Tauros-Gx as part of its strategy. Similar to a Mew3-TTGX deck but not auto-loosing to every deck that plays Garbotoxin, Muk or Power Plant. You will not be able to probably get your hands on something like Regirock XY promo which is the key in this deck to...
  16. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded NinjaBox Sword&Shield

    You do not really need Zacian V to make the deck work. It gives additional consistency but you do not absolutely need it. You can just use Shaymin-Ex to draw instead. And if Zacian V is a concern, I have to warn you about Regirock XY promo. That card looks like it is the cheapest but on the...
  17. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded NinjaBox Sword&Shield

    From list above, I feel like at the moment, the two floating cards are the 2 copies of Unown. With Phione in the deck, there is already one too many. While I really like having them in the deck, Phione is an infinitely reusable Unown that serves the same purpose: free bench space and deny wins...
  18. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded NinjaBox Sword&Shield

    *edited the list I played against fewer disruptive decks lately compared to when the expansion was first released. I guess people just got bored of going for disruptive decks and started opting for attacking decks. Anyways, I felt like I needed some additional gust effect and to improve a...
  19. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded NinjaBox Sword&Shield

    I will try a few techs next and see how things can be improved in regards to V matchups while still maintaining a good grip on other meta matchup. Here are 2 ideas I would like to explore: Venusaur&Snivy Gx: Very interesting card I never tried to use in the deck but seems to have tremendous...
  20. Laurier_Ex

    Expanded NinjaBox Sword&Shield

    I did a lot of testing and here are the current status of the deck: -The deck has favorable matchup against most pre SwSH release decks including Ultra Necrozma and most ADP variants. -The hardest matchup overall are V decks. Custom catchers, Whistle, ropes and suchcan be seen as a counter...